Mar 15, 2003 19:02
The last two or so weeks have been interesting.
I've been working my ass off, but raking in the dough for it. The good news is that for it all I was told this week that I'm getting promoted. I was the Head of Scheduling and Appointments at the dealership before. In about 3 weeks, I will oficially be a Service Advisor. It's more money (if I do average, about $35,000 a year, if I kick ass, up to $60,000 a year), and more interesting.
On top of that, I've ran into a bitch of a problem concerning girls. But in a good way, I think. I had met this girl, Keylee, a month or so back from New Britain. She's really cool, very cute, and fun to be with. The only hang up that I can anticipate anyone having is that she's black. I don't care, and it hasn't made a difference so far, but others might. That and she has no license...which means I have to make the 30 minute drive up there all the time. But she's an awesome girl. I'd love to date her. Things were going well with her until almost exactly 3 weeks ago.
Enter Valeria. She is basically a family friend to relatives in my family. It's complicated to explain how, so I'll just skip it. So anyways, my great aunt called on February 27th to let my mom know that Valeria and her grandmother had just gotten here from Italy for the next 3 months. My mom was telling me about it, and I offered to bring her to my club that night, since I figured being stuck home with two octogennarians all week would suck. She was enthusiastic and we went that night. She's just the typical beautiful Italian girl...except she dyes her hair a dirty blond, which I don't think she should do...but regardless...we hit it off well the first night, even though there's a slight language barrier. I understand Sicilian, which she speaks, and she can speak fairly decent english. But I speak too fast for her sometimes, and it makes it difficult.
Regardless, we hit it off well that night, and the next night she came with me to my friend Craig's to hang out of a bit. Before I dropped her off...we ended up talking a bit, and sparks started flying. I've seen her a total of 4 times, but every time has been awesome. Nothing terribly physical has happened besides a lot of kissing and some curious hands. We have a few problems though. We've both decided we're very interested in each other, BUT, she's gone by the end of May, possibly forever. I'm not too worried about that, since we can make it interesting until then...she's afraid of getting too attached. The second problem would be her boyfriend of 7 years in Italy. SEVEN. She's 22. She doesn't want to do anything she'll regret, however, I don't think he'd ever find out. :)
I hate putting of Keylee, especially for 2 1/2 more months...but on the flipside, I think about Val at some point every day. The thing that sucks even more is that with her grandmother and my great aunt and her living in my great aunt's great aunt always answers. Which makes it more than it's not even like I can call whenever. I keep pushing her to call me more, but she's afraid of making too many mistakes over the phone with language. It's a tough spot, and I don't really have an answer for it. I just don't wanna blow it with both of them. I don't wanna seem like i'm sneaking around, since I'm not really dating either.
(Pix to come of both)
Besides that, I'm in the swing of the playoffs in both of my hockey leagues. Miflord closed up the regular season today with a meaningless game for us. We had first clinched. Tomorrow we have our first game...the semi-finals...since we have a first round bye, at 2PM. We're going to be missing two of our best forwards, who are brothers, for at least that game because of a family committment. It'll be tough, but I think we can handle it.
In North Haven we upset the 3rd place team in the first round last Monday, and face the first place team (which has most of the guys I regularly play with in Milford) this Monday. It'll be another tough game, and if we win that, the finals won't be any cakewalk either, which has the best team in the league, IMO, who are ranked 2. Then, Spring hockey started Tuesday. I'm quite excited.
Softball starts in about a month things are looking good right now. Life is good.