(no subject)

Nov 08, 2002 14:53

I had quite the interesting dream this morning. I'm going to try and remember it all, since it was about 6 hours ago when I woke up from it.

The first part i can remember is I'm at some sort of NASCAR race, and I think I'm racing in it, but I'm not totally sure, looking back on it. Anyways, we're going at the pace laps before the race actually starts, and then this weird twist is thrown in where there are all these cops lined up at the start/finish line, and apparently they capture wrongdoers in the race. I can hear the announcers talking about them, and I get all freaked, and go careening off the track, trying to avoid them, as I see a couple other cras crash directly into the cop cars.

So as I go racing away, I end up wrecking the car on the infield, and I get out and start running away, through trees and such, as people start shooting at me (assuming the cops). Another car crashes, and someone jumps out and is running away as well, and run by them, and notice it's Sidekick Mark, my "boss" while I promote. We're running from these crazy cops, and adventually, we end up at my house. Things get a little hazy as to how we got there, but we're there, none-the-less. We're hanging out there, and someone else is with us, possibly someone we work with, and we're sitting around BSing...and I'm in a towel, for one reason or another.

That goes on for a little bit, and the next thing I can remember, a friend of mine, Jen, shows up at the house. I haven't seen her in a while, since she lives in NYC, but before I can turn around to say hi, she's already walking down to my room. As I catch up with her in my room, things got a little nasty. That part of the dream can be left to the imagination.

After all that went on, next thing I remember is I'm at Icon, the club I work for on Saturdays, and I'm kind of just wandering around when I run into some random person and the guy who's the head promoter guy there, Gaetano, who I used to go to HS with (sorry no pix). So they're talking, and I come to find out that somehow, he had made an agreement with me to pay me to tape myself and Jen together. I'm thinking now that he was the one with Mark at my house. Anyways, I thought this was a little odd, but not totally, and thank him for the money, and we go on our seperate ways.

So I wander around the club for a bit, and I start thinking that this place looks exactly like the Complex in Providence, not Icon. Doesn't bother me, but the place looks really beat up, and not too many people are there. And then, a ton of people are running around, remodling the place. Carrying stuff all over, breaking stuff, installing new stuff. Really strange. I get caught up with some of them at one point where we're walking up some steps, and they break, and we're all basically diving to get to the top without falling down a story or two.

This is all I remember right now for that dream. I really should've written it down. I think there's another part, or it was a dream I had after I fell back asleep where I'm in someone's apartment...my grandparents or something (even though they never lived in an apartment), where myself and someone else are spies or something, fighting people, and the poeple are robots, and we're able to disable them by taking out thier power source, and then as we're leaving, we light the place on fire. Shortly after, I wake up.
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