Jun 13, 2004 13:36
Name ]: Celia
[ Nicks ]: C, CeCe, Kitty, Bunny, Mon Petit Saucison (SARAH!!!), Celerz, Jolly J. Jawbreaker, Snoozey, Fruity Noodle, etc, etc, etc. (THE MADNESS NEVER ENDS!!!)
[ Born in ]: Seattle, WA
[ Resides in ]: Portland-ia Oregon (but not for long… L )
[ Good student? ] sure, why not.
[ Hair ]: brownish-red
[ Shoe size ]: it really depends on the shoe…. J
Last time you..
[ Had a nightmare ]: my life is just one huge nightmare….
[ Said "I love you" and meant it ]: JESSI!!!
[ Ate at McDonald's ]: bad for you…. No more micky d’s. (Spawn of Satan according to Jessi, square root of the spawn of Satan, according to me)
[ Dyed your hair ]: about a month ago
[ Brushed your hair ]: I lost track… it was a while ago. Lol.
[ Washed your hair ]: yesterday
[ Cried ]: last night cuz I’m MOVING! Ahhhhh!!!!
[ Called someone ]: now. On the phone with Jessi!!! ^_^
[ Smiled ]: today
[ Laughed ]: today
[ Talked to an ex ]: errrr…. That would be Dan….. about 3 days ago? Yesh, I think so…
Do you?
[ Smoke? ]: errr…
[ Do drugs? ]: nope, but i'm not totally against them
[ Have sex? ]: >shifty eyes>
[ Sleep with stuffed animals?]: haha… yes.
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back?]: god ya.
[ Play an instrument? ]: yesh!!! Guitar, bass, drums, flute, piccolo, etc.
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]: who really cares.
[ Remember your first love? ]: don’t remind me.
[ Still love him/her?]: FUCK NO.
[ Read the newspaper? ]: the Mercury!! Muahahahaaha!
[ Have any straight friends? ]: *thinks real hard* yes, but they’re definitely convertible….
[ Consider love a mistake? ]: right now, yes.
[ Like the taste of alcohol? ]: pretty much any way/shape/form it comes in
[ Believe in God? ]: Hell no. I'm a cynic, we don't do God.
[ Pray? ]: nope
[ Go to church? ]: nope
[ Have any secrets? ]: who doesn’t?
[ Have any pets ]: YES!!! My kitty, my frogs, my fish, and my birds!!! I live in a jungle…
[ Talk to strangers who instant message you]: fuck ya, new friends! Yay!
[ Wear hats? ]: errr… no
[ Have any piercings? ]: Two on each ear, plus my nose.
[ Have any tattoos? ]: Not yet, unless you count scar tattoos… one in the shape of a star on my hand. Yay.
[ Have an obsession? ]: too many to name… music, sex.. etc…
[ Have a secret crush? ]: On your mom
[ Collect anything? ]: yes, people.
[ Have a best friend? ]: Jessi, Chelsea, Sarah, Kathryne, Atticus, Ben, Chris, etc. (sorry if I forgot you)
[ Have a boy/girlfriend? ] *cracks up* ya.
[ Like your handwriting? ]:surrreee.e……
[ Have any bad habits? ]: getting down on myself, assuming everyone hates me… la la la.
[ Care about looks? ]: who doesn’t.
[ Boy/girlfriend's looks?]: no, but Jessi’s a cutie.
[ Friends and other people? ]: Why would i do that? I think they're all beautiful though
[ Believe in witches? ]: sure
[ Believe in Satan? ]: the symbolic evil, yes, but not the actual figure, because I don’t believe in god.
[ Believe in ghosts? ] yes, but not the Halloween-ie type.
[ Dress ]: PJ’s!!!
[ Mood ]: depressed and happy at the same time, don’t ask… ok, I’ll explain.. happy cuz Jessi’s on the phone, sad cuz I’m moving.
[ Make-up ]: eyeliner
[ Music ]: Jessi plus slipknot in the background.
[ Taste ]: minty freshness, as usual
[ Hair ]: messy in need of brushing
[ Annoyance ]: myself, again, business as usual
[ Smell ]: mint, from my gum, and incense
[ Thought ]: how to stay here… *schemes*
[ Book ]: The Gunslinger, I’m a sucker for Steven King..
[ Fingernail Color ]: black with silver sparkles…*_*
[ Refreshment ]: SPIT!
[ Worry ]: moving
[ Favorite Celebrity ]: Maynard James Keenan (TOOL) and Kurt Cobain (NIRVANA)
Last Person:
[ You Touched ]: myself, lol.
[ You Talked to ]: Jessi….
[ You Hugged ]: Colton.
[ You Instant messaged ]: damn, haven’t been online in so long…. Prolly Jessi.
[ You Yelled At ]: Jessi
[ You Had A Crush On ]: Jessi, and Greg
[ Who broke Your Heart ]: Dan
[ Kissed ]: Jessi
Who do you want to:
[ Kill ]: god, check out my hit list….
[ Slap ]: myself
[ Tickle ]: Dan, cuz I love the way he squeals!!!
[ Talk To ]: All my friends, I miss them already. x.x
[ Kiss ]: EVERYBODY!! Yay!
[ Be Like ]: I don’t know, I can’t top Jessi’s answer to hers….
[ Sexuality? ]: bisexual- Celia loves *everyone*
[ Favorite Quote? ]: “THE CHISEL OF DOOOOOOMMMMM!!!” -Chewy
[ Your sexiest feature? ]: ummm, dunno, you tell me. *waits*
[ Largest age difference between you and a significant other? No comment.
[ Coolest gift you've ever received ]: I don’t know. I like things people make themselves… such as that painting of Jessi’s that I HAVE TO HAVE!!
[ Coolest gift you've given ]: The Barbie pen I made Dan for his b-day last year.
[ What's sitting on your computer monitor? ]: your mom
[ About how many books do you own? ]: A lot. I steal them from the library.. .muahahah…
[ About how many of those have you read? ]: Pretty much all, but I have some of other people's to catch up on.
[ Do you own a calendar or date book? ]: Yep, I would be lost without it.
[ When you're jotting down notes, do you print or write? ]: ummm, the diffence being...?
[ When you doodle, what do you draw? ]: shapes and figures and random shit... words, faces, mazes... you name it, i've handed it in on a paper... lol