um i'm pretty sure i knew you like two years ago when i was rawkenr0ll and this was just something you were talking about back then, and i was really excited about it, and i am sooo happy to be back because i have several verses a lot like this one that i used to rp, as in they're kink-based but based mostly on people's psychology, character development, normal lives but through a d/s and/or s/m context. man. i am so excited to hear that something came of this. i am hyped to read ALL OF IT and as soon as i do i would be happy to like cheerlead you on in developing/writing/commentficcing whatever. and maybe (just maybe) i'll write my own, because holy shit i have years and years of rps worth of ideas.
anyway i'm babbling I'M HAPPY THIS EXISTS, YAY YOU~
Hi! Yes, indeed, we knew each other. I take it this is your new active journal? I shall go and friend it then... :D
I've never been to rpg in that kind of structured multi-person community way, but sounds like very much what we have planned here, the normal lives but through a d/s and/or s/m context.
Yeah, we've been talking about this 'verse for a long time and are also really happy that became reality. There are more fics in various stages of writing/beta process and all the main pairing arcs have have been planned. We would certainly welcome enthusiastic cheerleading and any comments/speculation/thoughts you may have, but are too possessive of our sandbox to invite others to play in it - at least not for a good while.
Please feel free to watch the community for updates, though if you're still following my journal I'll more than likely pimp fics there as well (though perhaps not in a timely manner).
Yay, so cool to have other people excited about this 'verse!
oh, the rps i was talking about were just me and one other person playing out a cast of about... 30 characters, maybe? something like that. pretty much what you have going here, but we did it in a POV switch-off because it was rp, which means it's tragically unpublishable. and also my logs are scattered across about four or five machines now.
and i wasn't implying that i wanted to invite myself in and write something. your sandbox is your sandbox, i've got my own sandbox and toys. so far you don't even have any pairings i would even want to write, lol.
alright, following the comm and friending you. glad to have found you again!
Oh pushkin666 have a fair few 'verses like that that straddle the line between rpg and something more coherent. Some of them are even original fic and possible some, both fandom and otherwise, will get cleaned up for publishing purpose eventually.
Sorry for jumping to conclusions then. I may have some slight control issues. Just ask pushkin666 and dreamersdare and... well, okay, most of my friends? *sheepish grin* I meant what I said about cheerleading though, that would be so appreciated you don't even know :D
Comments 6
anyway i'm babbling I'M HAPPY THIS EXISTS, YAY YOU~
I've never been to rpg in that kind of structured multi-person community way, but sounds like very much what we have planned here, the normal lives but through a d/s and/or s/m context.
Yeah, we've been talking about this 'verse for a long time and are also really happy that became reality. There are more fics in various stages of writing/beta process and all the main pairing arcs have have been planned. We would certainly welcome enthusiastic cheerleading and any comments/speculation/thoughts you may have, but are too possessive of our sandbox to invite others to play in it - at least not for a good while.
Please feel free to watch the community for updates, though if you're still following my journal I'll more than likely pimp fics there as well (though perhaps not in a timely manner).
Yay, so cool to have other people excited about this 'verse!
and i wasn't implying that i wanted to invite myself in and write something. your sandbox is your sandbox, i've got my own sandbox and toys. so far you don't even have any pairings i would even want to write, lol.
alright, following the comm and friending you. glad to have found you again!
Sorry for jumping to conclusions then. I may have some slight control issues. Just ask pushkin666 and dreamersdare and... well, okay, most of my friends? *sheepish grin* I meant what I said about cheerleading though, that would be so appreciated you don't even know :D
Awesomeness, goes to friend you!
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