DGMDR full character list and normal activity status. I update this every now and then depending on how active I am with each character. (The list of non-DGMDR characters is
Female!Earl -----
countess_heartsRobin -----------
stitched_akumaBratty kid Allen --
clownhateCanon!Cyril -----
itisasillyplaceCanon!original Alma (before death)
not_the_spiritCanon (pre death of his dog) Mana
faire_le_pitreCanon!Chapter 71 Lenalee -
waltzofthewind Semi-active/rarely active:
Noah!Miranda ---
inreto In a category of her own:
Canon!Hevlaska ---
Currently inactive/currently dropped:
Zone!Lenalee ----
angelwaitressAkuma frame!Mana -----
frameofcursesCanon chapter 78!Skinn -
neverforgiveitMetal hammer!Klaud -----
whoneedsamonkeyVampire!Lenalee --------
vampyleechild!Mana -------------
chibi_walkerChapter05!Allen --------
pentancleclownCanon!Eliade -----------
vanitybitesCanon!Doug ------------
findingtrust Just because a character is on the inactive/dropped list doesn't mean I won't bring them back if I feel like it, though. Some of them are more or less riding on revolving doors of being dropped and being picked up again. (Especially Doug.)