Nov 12, 2012 09:30
my keyboard is on the fritz
my life is slowly settling into a normalcy that actually freaks me out
it's a good thing but so very strange
I'm living in a house now no longer in the space upstairs from the shop
I've got a nice fenced yard for the boys and a few other things that make this tiny little house perfect for us
it's just the right ammt of space
I had way too much space before but this is perfect
easier to keep clean and tidy I let a lot go in the move
probably not as much as I should have but I've got some storage in this space so it's working out ok
my winter goals include hat making, taxidermy and painting
as well as designing something for my living room wall above the couch
there are still things to be done to the house
waiting on things to happen
but I'm settled in and moving on
I'm working 7 days/wk and that's an absolute necessity right now
back to going to the Y
I missed a week 2wks ago due to illness both the boys and I
and I got so sick from it the importance of exercise in my life cannot be stated enough
speaking of which I have a few things to do
and then I'm off to the Y then work then hopefully dinner at the new place with family and friends
I am happy
I am working to get my stride back completely
or form the new one I need
more than likely the latter
I will try my best to write here more often
as I love LJ and it's been so good to me over the years
and seems to be dwindling for one liner spots like FB and twitter
I can't even see the comparison bc this is a place for real writing and real lives
but the internet is probably, like all other things, ruled by the tweens with all the cash so we must be subject to their whims
they have the time and the money and I'm afraid most of the folks I know in my age range have scant supplies of both
with no child support and no assistance with the boys medical bills things have been tight to put it nicely but I'm hoping with the coming of arrangements I can feel like I'm not sitting on the edge of a cliff
again I'm happy though and the rest will follow