Dec 10, 2006 09:52
and to be completely honest, your not like all the rest
what are you doing?
are you seriously this ignorant?
remember the summer? remember warped tour?
remember the text message?
granted, i love you and him to death..but do you fucking remember the way he treated you after?
when we basically cried on the porch for DAYS and he didn't fucking care.
you expect it to change this time? i've seen it all before.
you'll be in the same place again [probably worse, actually]
he changes people. i can already see how he's changing you.
and i fucking hate it
but, one ever listens to me in these types of situations [though one way or another i usually end up right]
but have your fun, if thats what you want.
but will my shoulder be here for you to lean and cry on when its over?
it depends, i might have to leave [while your massively vommitting your brains out]
also, in a completely unrelated and completly directed at another person entirely, you begged for me to stay with you all day, i got in massive trouble for it, and then you decide to go stay somewhere else for the night because you make yourself uncomfortable in situations with her because deny it all you want, you still have feelings for her. but you missed your chance, and now your pissed about it. whatever.
i still love you. i just think that was shitty.
and i still love you too. but i think your going to become shitty.
you know whats fun? when i still care about him, oops i guess i just lied again when i said i was finished for good. too bad.
and its not like it matters, the other one doesn't fucking care and never fucking will.
i stick with the one i've always had. even if he hits me, at least he loves me.