Jul 11, 2004 18:03
Today i guess i will start one of these journal thingy becuase everyone has one and i wanted to feel cool. well today i was supost to go to the mall with laura but i have to spend some family time wiht my dad becuase my mom, my sis, and i are going to Flordia tommorow and dad cant go becase he couldnt get the time off to go with us. and now laura is mad becuase i cant go with her. We are going to Flordia to see family and to look at houses because we are thinging about moving.im kinda glad because i wouldnt see Carter anymore becuase hes a jerk. His nick name from me is "Dumbo with a lisp who cant blow a buble or wistle" hes fucking retarted.... and he has the UGLYEST girlfriend. i know im a bitch. hmm.. what else... work has been good.. really slow but good. i have money now.. o that reminds me.. Carter told me im poor because my family and i dont have as big of a house as him. what a gay fuck .. our house is good enough... just anoys me because he starts shit and then blames it on me.. i dont know wanna know what worst thing he said to me.. that he wasted his time on me and didnt want to talk to me again.. but then he still talks to me but makes me feel like shit... well i dont give a damn so w.e. my life sucks latly.. my sister made me thing because she told me that i only have friends because they feel bad for me. Maybe its true... Im ugly as hell... i havnt found a guy that likes me in like 65478657846 days. and it ticks me off... and makes me sad.. i meet this new kid names steve.. hes awsome and is always there when i need somone to talk to. unless his boss is around... hes pretty damn hot too! well i really don t have that much more to add... coment please...