I often listen to
Jim Hightower's daily commentaries on
KBOO. Here's an interesting one from a few days ago:
PESTICIDE TESTING ON KIDS (RealAudio version available
I'm whopperjawed. I'm stunned. I'm sick. I'm disgusted. I'm fuming.
If you thought that you could no longer be shocked by anything the Bushites do, you've obviously not heard of the latest, inhuman, totally depraved, appalling bit of evil coming out of Bush's EPA. These so-called environmental and health protectors have proposed a new rule regarding the testing of toxic pesticides on humans - a deplorable practice that the chemical makers have long favored. Because EPA had been caught supporting tests in which children were intentionally dosed with pesticides, congress mandated in August that the agency issue a rule permanently banning such pesticide tests, without exception.
In September, EPA issued its proposed rule, hailing it as "a landmark regulation on human studies," and flatly declaring that "certain kinds of human research can never be acceptable." Beyond its flowery declaration of ethical principles, however, EPA's proposal is 30 pages of fine print that viciously guts those very principles by giving the pesticide corporations clear-cut exceptions to the supposed ban on human testing.
Get ready to puke, for these are some of the exceptions:
- Neglected or abused infants can be subjected to pesticide tests, without the consent of parents or guardians.
- Mentally handicapped and orphaned infants may be used for tests for the sake of research.
- EPA will accept industry pesticide tests done on children outside the U.S., including in countries with minimal or no ethical standards.
Not only do these repulsive exceptions violate even the lowest level of human decency and morality, but they also are in direct violation of congress's mandate to allow no exceptions to the ban on such test - zero. The agency has cynically chosen industry profits over children's welfare.
This is Jim Hightower saying... The Organic Consumers Association is leading the fight against EPA's appalling proposal. To get information and get involved, call them at: 218-226-4164.
"Alert: EPA to allow pesticide testing in orphans & mentally handicapped children," www.organicconsumersassociation.com, November 29, 2005.
"EPA, Under Pressure, Issues new Rules for Testing Pesticides on Pregnant Women & Children," Washington Post, September 7, 2005.
"Protections for Subjects in Human Research," www.epa.org, September 12, 2005.
In other news, I think it may be time to trim my friends and communities list (again). I can't (and don't necessarily want to) keep up with it all.