Hey, what’s your game about?
United Worlds is a Keyblade War era game, set in the universe of Kingdom Hearts. It is a panfandom comm-based alternate universe roleplay with an eventual endgame planned. Player plots as well as overarching plot make this game run. It is about all of the events leading up to the Keyblade War as well as the Keyblade War itself.
Alternatively, there is a basic
premise page.
What’s a Keyblade?
For those not familiar with Kingdom Hearts or its fandom, a Keyblade is a very special weapon. It is, forgive the pun, the key to the battle between Light and Darkness. Where it came from or all its powers are still shrouded in mystery, but it is known to be able to cut through darkness, lock or unlock anything and can be transformed by its wielders to travel between worlds. A full list of known powers can be found
here. Cool! Can I have one?
Sure. With a few certain requirements. The full list of what you should think over is
here. What does ‘alternate universe’ mean?
It means that you’re rewriting some aspect of the character’s canon to fit the universe of the game. However, since this is Kingdom Hearts, it’s relatively easy. A lot of the same events can have happened, and only aspects to make it fit within the universe will need to be changed. An example: in the Sailor Moon universe, starseeds are the source of life. Special starseeds make Sailor Senshi. In the case of United Worlds, the starseed would become synonymous with “heart.” Therefore, special hearts would make Sailor Senshi.
Can I reuse a journal from another game??
Sure! We're comm-based, so you don't have to worry about filters.
What kinds of character can be applied for?
Almost any. We have stricter requirements for original characters than canon characters, but not by much. Animals with distinct personalities of their own are also appable. So, if you wanted to app Amaterasu from Okami? Okay! Sure! However, you couldn’t app, say, Diablo, Maleficent’s raven? Sorry, no. You’d have to app Maleficent.
Hey! Does that mean we can apply for Kingdom Hearts characters?
Yes and no. Not right now is the better answer. However, when we have a bigger, steadier playerbase, there will be a special event that marks the entrance of KH characters. Xehanort’s Heartless is an exception to this. He will never be appable as a Heartless is game breaking.
But how will they get here?
The IC reason will be that the upcoming Keyblade War gets so big and bad that it rips a hole in time and space at its worst point. This rift will then fling people from one side to the other and then occasionally send them back. So, basically, say you apply for Axel from just before his kamikaze attack. He’ll arrive at one of the revival stations, not knowing where he is. Now, say he’s eventually dropped. He will return to the exact moment he left, meaning just in time for his kamikaze. Simple enough, right?
What are Heartless?
Heartless are what happens when your heart is so completely consumed by darkness, you can no longer remain stable and your body rejects the heart in order to live. This usually has the unfortunate side effect of warping the body while the heart manifests into a Heartless. The warped body becomes a Nobody. Ironically, Heartless do eventually contain the remnants of the heart, whereas Nobodies are completely hollow.
What about AUs?
As this is already an AU game, they are not allowed.
And fandom OCs?
Only in the sense that they’re that extremely minor character, like, say… The merchants in Okami. You’d fill out the app and develop their backstory for them, but they’d still exist inside the canon.
What about played-bys?
Played-bys, or PBs, are pictures that are used when you have an original character or a character with little to no physical appearances. This includes book characters. The general rule on it is not to use single role icons. Also, if the actor/actress plays a role and someone apps that role but does not wish to play against someone with said actor as a played-by, then we will contact you and work something out.
Can characters only be Keyblade wielders or Black Bloods?
No! There’s plenty to do in this universe without being either of those, and each job is just as important.
Can I be a Grand Master?
For the moment, no. For the start of the game, all three will be played by a character played by one of the three mods. This is so that we all start on the exact same page and aren't overloading someone with information. Should any one of the three drop after that, the title will be open to all Masters.
What about Princesses of Heart?
For those unfamiliar with Kingdom Hearts canon, a Princess of Heart is a maiden whose heart is pure light. When seven are brought together, they can open a Keyhole into the deepest darkness. While canon only has seven at once, due to the fact that they can possibly be dropped here, it will be explained that seven are only easily accessible. They will be selected when the game has a fairly stable playerbase.
So, who can be a Black Blood?
Anyone with darkness in their heart. And not just villains, either. Say you play that person who goes around helping everyone ever and is regarded and pretty much a saint. But when they were kids, their friend died in an accident, and they blame themselves and let that guilt consume them. They can easily be a Black Blood. Even if they're becoming carnivores, they can work on loopholes for themselves if they're good people. Even as Ancients, they could, say, go after animal hearts for food. So, basically, if your character is genuinely good but you want to play them as a Black Blood, you can. And they can still go around saving kittens out of trees, donating to every charity under the sun and helping little old ladies across the street.
What can civilians do?
They can run shops. They can start up militias if they don’t think the Keybladers are trustworthy. They can run ferries between worlds. If you can imagine it, chances are they can do it.
Cool! Now, what about jewels?
Jewels are the communication system. They are capable of video, voice and text transmission. Think of it like a cell phone, except in the form of a jewel. They can contact anyone in the universe, or transmit all across it.
Who can use jewels?
Everyone! They can be bought on every world, and come in many shapes and colors. So if you lose yours, or even just want a different color/shape/entire combination, you can. Of course, this also means if yours breaks, you can get another.
How do I travel between worlds?
For those with Keyblades, they use Keyblade Gliders. That is, a vehicle made from their transformed Keyblade. Now, obviously, not everyone has a Keyblade. This is where personal gummi ships and ferries come in. Travel between worlds is easy, so long as you have a vehicle. While one could possibly get somewhere by swimming, it’s not recommended-it would probably take years to get between just the Land of Departure and Twilight Town!
I thought it was a singular world instead of many small worlds?
This is where the Kingdom Hearts universe is slightly confusing. You see, in the game, it refers to it as a singular world. However, Xehanort’s reports state that it is simply the many worlds of the post-war era without the barriers keeping them separate. Or rather…
“In ancient times, no such buffers kept the larger World divided; there were no walls of light enclosing each smaller world the way they do today. Nothing prevented one from physically interfering with the next.”
So there you have it. It’s both a singular world and multiple worlds.
What rank do Keybladers start out at?
You can automatically be an Apprentice or Student if your application for a Keyblade is approved. Mod permission required to app a Master, if only to prevent everyone and their dog from apping as one.
What worlds are available?
Any you can think of! However, there is one rule: only one world per show/game/book/whatever unless it already has multiple ones within the canon. Example: Lilo and Stitch. Final Fantasy is the exception, as the characters are scattered across multiple worlds. However, we're not accepting completely original worlds at this time. Everything is currently based either on a canon, or on a world already present in the series. To this end, original characters should be from one of the existing worlds from canon. This does not mean they have to interact with the characters, as often the worlds are huge.
So how secret is having a Keyblade?
According to Birth by Sleep, it was very well known that they existed before the War. So, to make an analogy, receiving the Inheritance Ceremony is like receiving a letter to Hogwarts in the wizarding world, only not inevitable for every witch or wizard. It's a tremendous honor to be chosen to go to the Land of Departure to learn. However, some families may not be as thrilled, so keep this in mind. As for how to get there, the Land of Departure is easily accessible by ferry until one has their Glider--a kind of bus that goes between worlds.
Can I run player plots?
Sure! Just make sure you clear it with the mods first.
But isn’t there an overarching plot?
There is, but we won’t be constantly shoving plot in your face. That leaves too little room for characters to react to everything and means you, the players, can get overwhelmed.
Other questions not here? Ask and we’ll answer as soon as possible!