We saw this CD in Puregroove the other day. It looked pretty nifty. I mean, it looked ugly, bandwagon-esque and cheap but it seemed nifty enough from the blurb (which unfortuantely says "best of London" when it's not quite that limited). It is, however, a compilation, a scene sampler really at best, and therefore the £9 asking price seemed a little hefty. We flipped it over though and, my word, who is this CD designed for?
http://www.dmcworld.com/mailinglist/emails/neonnights/neon.htm Take a quick look. Now, we have the Tiger Force mini-album but to include two songs off it, not least the main single itself, seems a bit churlish and unadventurous for a compilation. By contrast the infinitely more investigative Pedestrian 02 compilation featured a track we'd never heard and are now very glad we have, Darth Bruckheimer. The worst of this compilation's crimes are to come, though. We don't dislike this comp and for less money - six quid, a fiver definitely - we'd already own it but the question would remain.
Is there anybody. Anyone at all. Left in the world, the entire western hemisphere, that doesn't already own four or five copies and versions of Standing In The Way Of Control. And. More importantly. If there are, isn't that a pretty fucking sure sign that they don't really want it? It's a compilation that unfortunately mixes songs you might want to own but can't access any other way with songs so ubiquitous that to not own them you've probably been avoiding them. Reactor Party, Fa Fa Fa, Tuning In!. There are songs on here that, perhaps, are a little less obvious but would have already challenged people seeking out good music. Which, in theory, is who this compilation is aimed at. So. To aim a compilation at people who go out of their way to find music and yet put music they've probably already found (excellent tracks like Drop The Decade and aforementioned Tiger Force offerings) seems bizarre.
There are better compilations out there doing the same thing. We really want something by Bono Must Die, we're intrigued by Blah Blah Blasé, we did, admittedly, miss the Lost Penguin track. It's just frustrating that people putting together compilations like this, which have such strong selling points, water them down with such obvious choices.
Oh well. Looks like we've just screwed our chances of getting a press copy.