Get On It

Apr 14, 2006 10:25

Great music is, quite literally, fantastic, isn't it? Strange though it seems we can forget that at times, even here at Unlixes Incorporated. Being such ceaseless devotees to new kicks all through the night we overlook, very briefly, every now and then, how blinkin' great music can be. We'll listen to Levelload or Good Shoes or Boy Kill Boy and go, yeah, this is fun we'll not give this a bad review we can listen to this. What we forget, though, that comes flooding back when Twelve by ¡Forward, Russia! or He Shoots Presidents (and she sells insurance but his isn't full time work) by This Et Al, is that music can be better than good.

It can be your fucking life.

That's why, I guess, we give such lukewarm reviews to nothing-wrong-with-it songs by the likes of those artists, to probably-alright-really albums like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, because we don't have to settle for decent-enough-I-guess. Because music can be vital and fucking well essential and just fill your room and you very bones from your femur to your stirrup - and especially your stirrup - and just lift you up and never let you go. It can drop from the highest high, from lost lost lost in the sea of conjecture and land in your lap like heroin from heaven and you're on your way!

We sit around and stroke our chins and say, yes, I kinda like the synths in The Automatic's last album or we can be already throwing ourselves around our bedrooms, hands in the air like last night never ended singing 'til our throats are sore. One is a nice pursuit and a decent way to make a living, the other is your blood and oxygen and the only way to go deaf.

if you talk too much my head will explode if you talk too much my head will explode if you talk too much my head will explode

I'm, erm, playing records apparently, at my friend's club night next week. I'm scared because a lot of people seem to settle for Babyshambles when they can be hot! for! discourse! and I'm not sure I can cater to their needs. I don't think I've got the singles they want to hear. I don't think I'd have the inclination to play them, even if I did.

Hey, fuck it. Delete yourself, you have no chance to win.

what you wanna go for? what you wanna go for? what you wanna go for? revvolutionnnn! actiooonnnn!

O Fracas follow up their last single with Follow Sue on 24th April.
¡Forward, Russia!'s new single Nine is in shops from 1st May.
This Et Al release Sabbatical 22nd May.

o fracas, the automatic, this et al, good shoes, atari teenage riot, levelload, ¡forward russia!, boy kill boy, polka

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