Today is World Refugee Day.
Nobody plans on being a refugee.
Nor, is anyone immune from it.
Most are thrown into it suddenly and by surprise.
Even YOU might be a refugee one day.
Would you want someone to help you, if you become a refugee?
For this reason, show some support and help provide hope.
Take a moment today to remember the 20.8 million survivors who are trying to restart their lives.
8.4 million are refugees who fled their countries due to civil wars and ethnic, tribal and religious violence (and cannot return home)
6.6 million are internally displaced persons (forced to flee their homes, but haven't crossed a border)
2.4 million are stateless people
1.6 million are returnees
773,000 are asylum seekers
960,000 are others of concern
Help the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the UN Refugee Agency keep that flame of hope alive!