x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
*What's your name? : emily rose
*Birthplace : tarzana, ca
*Age : 15
*Age you act : depends
*Current location : my sister's room
*Eye color : hazel
*Hair color : brunette
*Right, lefty or ambidextrous? : right
*Zodiac sign? : taurus
*Height? : 5' 7 or 8"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
*Your heritage/nationality : russian, polish, israeli, american
*hair : kinda long, usually straight, layered
*Your fears : death, spiders, bugs, the unknown
*Your perfect room : bigger than mine now, my bed, my stuff, pink and green
*What you practically do in a day : wake up, class act, home, sleep
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
*Words you overuse : like, yea, ok
*Phrases you overuse : physically impossible. i say it like every 5 seconds
*Your first thought when you wake up: no! more sleep!
*Your greatest accomplishment : i dont think i have one yet
*Something you want to do : broadway
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
*Pepsi or Coke : coke!
*McDonald's or Burger Kings : burger king all the way
*Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: britney i guess
*Chocolate or vanilla : vanilla
*Adidas or Nike : adidas
*Black or white : black
*Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) : bills
*Burgers or hot dogs : burgers
*Egypt or France : both
*Rock or rap : ehh i guess rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
*Smoke : nope
*Cuss : yea
*Sing well : well i think so at least
*Sing in the shower : yea
*Talk to yourself --a lot-- : not really
*Believe in yourself : sometimes
*Like taking these longass surveys? : when i'm bored, like now
*Play an instrument : no =( but i sing! and i bet if i tried i could play electric triangle!
*Want to go to college? : yea
*Want to get married? : yea
*Want to have children? : yea, i want my legacy [if i have one] to live on through them
*Think you're a health freak? : not really
*Get along with your parents : kinda but not really
*Get along with your siblings? : hahahahaha no
*Think you're popular : no
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
*Gone out of state: yea
*Drank alcohol : no
*Smoked : nope
*Got high : nope
*Done any drugs : nope
*Eaten an entire box of oreos : no
*Been on stage : yes
*Gone skinny dipping : no
*Been dumped : no
*Dyed your hair : no
*Stolen anything : nope
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
*Craziest : emily
*Loudest : aari
*Most shy : umm becca?
*Blondest : arielle =)
*Smartest : karen and sophia
*Kindest : becca, emily, nicole
*Best personality : all
*Most talented : all
*Best singer : ^
*Most ghetto : none, were all so white its scary
*Drama Queen ((or King XP)): :X
*Pain in the ass : :X
*The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)): again, :X
*Funniest : emily, nicole
*Best person for advice : nicole
*Dependable : becca, emily, aari
*Trustworthy : most of them
*Druggie: none.. i hope?
*Most likely to end up in jail : tyler for rape.. haha jk
*Person you've known the longest : aari and rachel
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
*Last dream: i was back in my bio class visiting except it was all the same people with the addition of emily and becca. for some reason mr meinhardt wanted me to sing a song so i got a grease cd outta my backpack [how it got there i dont know] and went down to the front of the room and put it in the cd player and told him to play #23 and it ended up to be a disney classics cd so he gave it back to me and i walked out...
*Last nightmare : don't remember
*Car ride : home from arielles house today
*Last time you cried: like an hour ago or so
*Last movie seen : NAPOLEON DYNAMITE!! BEST EVER!!
*Last movie rented : rocky horror with emily and ryan
*Last book read : in the process of "confessions of an ugly stepsister" by gregory maguire
*Last word said : "goodnight"
*Last curse word said : "shit"
*Last time you laugh : during i love the 90s
*Last phone call : my mom, sad huh?
*Last CD played : aida
*Last song you listened to : radames letter =)
*Last annoyance : my mom
*Last IM : becca
*Last weird encounter : on friday me, emily, and ryan were at jamba juice and this random girl next to us was like "look! watch mom!" and started dancing to the music that was on
*Last person you hugged : ryan
*Last person you yelled at : mom
*Last time you wore a skirt : when we took pictures last week
*Last time you've been evil : idk
*Sarcastic? : too many times to remember
*Last time you fought with your parents: a little while ago
*Last time you wished upon a star : 4th of july
*Played Truth or Dare : on that friday at my dads house
*Spent quality time alone : now i guess
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
*Are you talking to someone on AIM : no =(
*Do you feel lonely : yea
*Ever TP'd someone's house : no
*How about egging someone's house : no
*Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine?: no
*Yo Momma : goes to college!
*Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? : yea
*What do you think of George Bush? : HATE HIM SO MUCH!
*Any secret fetishes? : dont think so... is adam pascal a fetish?
*Do you like to wear chains? : no
*How many languages do you speak? : one...but i know a few words in other languages.. CAMUFLADOS!
Incase anyone missed it before this will be friends only. I'm bored and my life is so boring I can't even describe. Someone do something spontaneous to make it exciting please!
Her favorite fruit is chocolate covered cherries and seedless watermelon. Nothing from the ground is good enough.
♥ emily