Title: Our Hearts Are Wrong : Part II
mad_teagirlFandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Character/Pairing: Sherlock/Irene
Rating: PG-13
Summary:This is set roughly four years before the start of the series. I had been writing a Sherlock/Irene that took place during the current series time-line, but then I got completely sidetracked with their back story and so this happened. The title comes from the
Jessica Lea Mayfield song of the same name
Obviously follows
Part IBeta(s): The lovely
sabrinaphynn and
martinius who are essentially saints for putting up with me through this thing. By the time it's over I'll probably owe them each internal organs or something. Seriously, I love them to death.
Disclaimer: Pretty much everything belongs to either ACD, Gatiss, Moffat, or the BBC with the exception of my casting choice for Miss Adler, and my choice to take her character in the direction of psychology and criminal profiling as opposed to opera singing.
"The answer was inside the music itself, the rise and fall. She could see each graceful movement of the melody through the arrangement of their limbs and the victims’ open, glassy eyes. The killer had loved the music deeply, enough for it to have stirred something sleeping inside of him into action" )