Jul 08, 2006 00:30
Oh how I love my new icon, although I'm gonna be changing them every single second cos I just found so many icons that are quotes. Ones like: 'No I can't live with Joey when the baby comes, I don't want my child's first words to be how you doin'?' 'The Netherlands is this make believe place where Peter Pan and Tinkerbell come from' and 'Well of course lambs are scarier, otherwise it would have been called Silence Of The Ducks.'
LMAO absolutely classic. What a fanstastic programme. I LOVE this show!!! Ok so yes this is a very random entry but you know what? That's just how I'm feeling. I was in the most bizarre mood last night and ended up texting Michael saying that I hoped he had a wicked time in India but there was something I needed to tell him when he got back :O OMG I don't know what came over me. Maybe I'm actually going to tell him. How scary!!! Anyway me and Hales was saying on the phone the other day how weird it would be if he was in Surrey on Monday. He text me tonight and it turns out that where is he? SURREY!!! I could not stop laughing at the pure irony. Sadly though he comes back Sunday night so luckily I won't have to worry about Hales saying anything to him LMAO but it's being a rather strange few days. I've been happy with no particular reason. Still, it's nice to be happy for once again! :D