Jun 19, 2006 23:38
I watched Big Brother tonight and the adorable Pete was talking to Glynn at the end and he was talking about when he got Tourettes and how he had to move school because he was bullied for what he had. I actually cried because I was just thinking about how I got bullied and he's just such a sweet person. He reminds me a lot of me in some respects sometimes. He's an absolute nutter bless him, check :P He's also really aware of other people's feelings, check :) and he points out when someone is wrong but can be a bit naive at times. Definite check :/
I finally PMed Lols. She was very nice to me actually which was a big relief but there was just one part in her PM that stood out to me that got me thinking was she just saying these things. She said to me that she had actually been trying to pluck up the courage to send me a similar email wanting to sort things out but like me she didn't know what kind of reaction she would get. She said this to me once on MSN when I emailed her and it was just like total deja vu again. Apart from that she seemed quite genuine saying she took the responsibility cos it was her board etc etc but after she said that about she was thinking about PMing me I just sort of lost that feeling that she was being 100% genuine. Hales PMed her too when she knew that I'd got a civilised reply and she's got the PM but hasn't even bothered replying so she's totally contradicted everything she said to me! She actually had the cheek to ask if things could go back to exactly how they were before. I was like excuse me?! You're kidding right? I told her that for now being civilised was enough and that it could never truly go back to how it used to be which is true. Nothing could ever be like it used to be. I told her she could pass it onto others and today I received a PM from Anna. I have apologised fully for silly things I've done and said that I was fed up of having this 'war' that as far as I'm concerned ended a while ago. They've both said the same but Anna made a comment that seemed rather sarcastic but I guess it was expected deep down from at least one of them :/ At least we've cleared a few things up. Lols seems to think we'll be able to go into threads on NFans and be like oh yes honey, babe, darling, sweetie. It's not going to be like that though. It's just going to be that's lovely artwork or I agree with what you said...
Parents still aren't exactly supportive with exams, what with saying good luck only when I get out of the car to go for my exam :'( but I'm getting there. Stupid Kate screwed up again by not telling us to pick up our pre-release material for the editiorial exam next Monday! No surprises really though. Just want to get tomorrow's Othello and Blake exam out of the way then I'll be a bit better I think. I feel like I've done a bit of clearing up in my life now so I guess that's something right? :)
I spoke to Michael on MSN the other day. Have just being telling Hales this but he said to me why don't you come join the cadets with me then we can do stuff like sports, shooting, stuff like that together? I was just like erm yeah sure I'll think about it but OMG can you really see me doing it? I'd be like oh hang on stop the shooting a minute please I need to touch up my make up, I have to look my best and respectable for the enemy *rollseyes* LOL I thought it was very sweet that he asked me though. He was really like yeah you should so join which I thought was lovely. He's going to India with the cadets though for a month on July 27th so no Michael for a month *cries* I'm sure I'll get through it though :P
So things are slowly but surely getting back on track. Just one small step at a time I suppose.