E-Mail Loss

Jan 14, 2009 04:47

A little while back, I mentioned that we're both a few months behind on answering email. If we you wrote to us, we're not going to be able to reply. Why? My cats enjoy sitting on my keyboard. It's right by the window and gives them a nice view of the patio. The view, apparently, is best from on top of the delete key. I mention this because I left Thunderbird open and they deleted all the email I've been meaning to reply to for the last several months. Then the inbox got corrupted when I tried to restore the messages. This means that everything Isabel and I meant to reply to is gone.

If you said something nice, we read it and really appreciate it. I'm very glad you enjoy our work; if people didn't enjoy it, it wouldn't be worth doing. We meant to send you a reply that said something like this, but more personal, and hope you continue to enjoy the comics.

If you pointed out something that needed to be fixed, I probably fixed it. I usually do that when I'm on my way out the door and don't have time to send something better than "Thanks! Fixed!". If I didn't fix it, or if there's something else that got spelled wrong, please email me again so I can get it corrected.

If you sent us condolences on our niece's death, we appreciate your support in difficult times.

If you sent us fanart, please, please re-send it so we can put it up properly.

If you sent us anything else or would just like a more personal reply, please e-mail us again.

Also, on Monday, January 12th, the Atlanta Jounal-Constitution cut 13 comic strips. One of those strips is Kevin & Kell, which we color. They're having a poll to determine which two strips get brought back - the full details are available at kevinandkell.com. We ask that you please vote for Kevin & Kell, especially if you live in the Atlanta region.

Sorry about all the posts; it's been a busy day.
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