A break from the internet.

Oct 09, 2007 23:32

So, I took a couple days off from the internet, sort of. I guess I just became more of a lurker for a few days. I don't know why. Lack of motivation to use my keyboard or something. Anyway, we went to the State Fair on Sunday. It was a lot of fun! We walked around and saw some interesting sights. I got to eat some roasted sweet corn (it wasn't fire-roasted, but it was still good). We watched a band that uses garbage cans as instruments. They were really good! They did this really cool choreographed dance thing with garbage can lids where it was up to the audience to keep the beat for them. I think they were called "Vocal Trash". They also sang God Bless America acapella, and it was entirely amazing. Very talented group. Anyway. We also walked through a big redwood log that had been hollowed out and turned into a tiny house. You could stand up straight and stretch your arms out in it, but the walkway was very narrow because the sides were lined with the bed, a desk, a table, a couch, etc. And it smelled funny. And I felt bad that before it was a hollowed out log, it was a 1900 year old redwood. Who knows if it'd be a 2000 year old redwood if they'd have left it standing?
We also went into the commercial exhibit building and there was a LOT of stuff to look at. We stopped at one booth in there that was an electronic handwriting analyzer. (At least, it claimed to be) so we decided to try it. You sign this little card and check your zodiac sign and then guy sticks the card into the machine and it prints off your "analysis". Now, I'm skeptical enough to wonder if they don't have random vague things and the machine is preprogrammed to randomly pick from a list and give you a "customized" readout, but there were things on my mom's list that were true about her, but not about me, and things on my list that were true about me and not about her, so I also wonder if there wasn't really some sensor that could pick up on certain characteristics and markers in your signature. So anyway, here's my list:

READOUT (Commentary)


YOU HAVE A SHARP WIT AND A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR. (Sadly these things never seem to be true at the same time. I get stuff right away, but I only think of funny replies much later.)
YOU SET VERY HIGH GOALS FOR YOURSELF. (Set them, yes, but what about reaching them?)
YOU PREFER TO PLAN AHEAD AND STICK TO YOUR GOALS. (I'd certainly prefer sticking to the plan, but if I'm the stubborn price sticker on the picture frame of my goals, life has been a big bottle of Goo Gone. The bad analogies probably aren't helping me, either.)
YOU HAVE A TENDENCY TO MAKE MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLE HILLS. (Ok, but that last one was frickin' HUGE! Did you see it? I mean, that was not a mole hill. That was an R.O.U.S. hill, ok? Fer real. Ten points to first person to name that movie reference.)
YOU ARE NOT CONTENT TO DO THINGS HALF WAY. (I' ab t b ve cont doi thi ha wa. Ok, not I'm not, because now I'm wondering if anyone will be able to translate that sentence. And also a little irked that I couldn't come up with a whole sentence of evenly lettered words so that it would really be half.)
YOUR WILLINGNESS TO WORK IS ONE OF YOUR GREATEST ASSETS. (This one I'm torn about. I mean, I'm WILLING to work, if I like the job. Otherwise, I ain't.)
YOU HAVE THE ABILITY AND TALENT TO BE VERY SUCCESSFUL IN MANY FIELDS. (Jill of all trades, Mistress of none, as Steph put it a while back. I could be very successful at a lot of things, but the trouble is committing to just one of them.)
YOU BELIEVE THAT A JOB WORTH DOING IS WORTH DOING WELL. (Ok, are there people out there who DON'T believe this? Seriously? If it's a job worth doing, why the hell would you half ass it?)
YOU HAVE A PRACTICAL OUTLOOK ON LIFE. (This is a nice way of saying I lack emotion a lot of times. Of course, since I'm so SENSITIVE and EASILY HURT by criticism, I guess they had to sugar coat this, no?)
YOU ENJOY TRAVEL AND NEW SCENES. (Hells yeah! Road trip!)

After that it gave you a readout about your Sun Sign. I'm so typically Aquarius that I mostly just nodded through the whole thing. It was all stuff I've heard before, and all stuff that's still true.

Anyway, that was all I had for today. Later!
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