On Sex

Jul 04, 2007 10:20

"Don't love me. Love what I stand for, stand for it, and learn to love yourself."
-Jesus of Toronto

-=-Pool's Open-=-

Have sex. Enjoy it. Be good at it. Practice it casually. Have fuck buddies. Have open relationships, polyamoury, and polygamy. Spread love; but not STIs! Wrap your crap; that means use a condom. If you want to bareback it, get you and your partner tested first, every time you have a new partner. Ladies, take the pill. It's a small price to pay for the assurance your life won't be accidentally radically changed forever.
Be Good, Giving, and Game. Focus on trying to provide your partner with pleasure, not trying to get them to pleasure you. Be energetic, but not frantic. This isn't a race. Take your time. Discuss sex openly with your friends; swap tips and stories (but don't name names!). Discuss sex openly with your lovers. Reclaim your sexuality. Don't be ashamed of it; don't hide it, flaunt it. Learn the Hanky Code. Celebrate your sexuality. Cultivate it. Masturbate. Don't just do it to get off, really take some time and explore yourself. Find out what you like and dislike, and what you'd like to like with a bit of practice, maybe. Read the Kama Sutra. Practice things in your daily life that will improve your performance. A healthy diet low in meat and high in fruit (especially tropical fruits like pineapple, mango, and papaya) makes your cum taste better; millions of vegetarians will agree! Take up meditation. Take up yoga. Be flexible. Don't be afraid to try new positions. Experiment! Bite softly. Test your limits. Change it up, in the bedroom and out; repetition is boring! Learn to improvise.
Don't automatically associate Sex with Everlasting Love. It's okay to love someone for only a few weeks; a few days; a few hours! You don't have to love them forever. If you love someone who doesn't love you, don't force them to. Let what is, be. There really are plenty of fish in the sea, and if they don't love you for who you are, it wouldn't work out for very long anyway. Get connected! Stay connected. Don't drop everyone you know every time a new hottie comes around. Don't label yourself. We live in a world where gender and sexuality are, like beauty, in the eye of the beholder.
Make yourself attractive. Take good care of yourself. Be presentably clean. Create a 'look'; don't just blend into the crowd. Stand out, but do it tastefully. Look at the people you're attracted to; identify the qualities that attract you to these people. Can you apply them to yourself? If you like how collected someone is, be collected. If you like how extroverted they are, be extroverted.
Be genuine about it. Learn to cultivate these qualities, not fake them, and not only will the people you're attracted to love you, but now you can love you too. Don't be afraid to love yourself! Paired with a healthy amount of humility (not shame!),
Self-Confidence is the sexiest trait you can have. Play the game*. Enjoy it. Play hard to get. Be hard to get. Be playful.
Be you.
Be free.

-=-Pool's Closed-=-

Why am I advocating sex so much when all the religious texts say it's so, so wrong?
Let's take a look at things logically here.
Yeah, I know, "Logic and religion don't mix." Deal with it.
Picture yourself at the time of my first incarnation. You don't have a shower. You bathe once a year, maybe. Ya fuckin' stink. You haven't washed your crotch in forever and you reek of cheese or fish, depending on what you're packing. Sex makes you exert energy, which makes you sweat, compounding the already toxic odour emanating from your pores. You have no way to protect yourself from STIs. You don't have toilet paper; your taint is a minefield of dingleberries. Your junk is encrusted with smegma or your snatch with chunks of dried period blood.

Are we beginning to see here how sex might be regarded as unholy?

However, such is not the case today. We do have showers, and toilet paper, and razors, and tampons, and all these pleasant little luxuries we can use to keep ourselves as clean as we want. No longer are our crotches unhallowed places of reek and death! Hopefully.

So be clean and be free! Fornicate! Fuck! You have the Consent of the King**!

* I lost.
** Someone at some point turned Fuck into an acronym for Fornication Under Consent of the King. Don't look at me, I didn't do it.
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