noobie post!

Dec 07, 2009 01:49

Hey everyone! I'm new to this community, but definitely NOT new to the beloved KenxUno pairing. And I know it's very noob of me to post something without actually posting a fic or an art, so I'm sorry...plz don't kill me ^_^ Not to worry though, I'm an avid KenxUno fan and have some fics in the works! I can't draw worth a (insert choice expletive) so you won't see any of that from me. But I hope to participate in this community and spread the Kenpachi and Unohana love!

Tidbit for you all: I was watching episode 199 of the anime, in the Hueco Mundo arc, and there's like 3 seconds where they show Unohana. The interesting part is that she's looking off into the distance where, somewhere far off, Kenpachi is fighting the Espada Nnoitra (because they're being extremely noisy) and she looks especially worried about our dear Captain of the 11th Division. It's about 8 minutes into the episode if you want to see and interpret with a certain KenxUno bias like I did.

*runs off to write fic about what's going through Retsu's head as she listens to Ken-chan battle the Espada*
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