RT @zumayabooks ArmadilloCon fen: What did you like this year? What could have been better? Send to armadillocon32 [at] me.com
# My child, I, and 15+ atheists are heading to dinner with Russell and Jenny Blackford - freethinkers and SF/F writers from Australia.
# RT @laraeakins Excellent @krelnik: Not mine, but I like it: A pizza with the radius 'z' and thickness 'a' has the volume pi*z*z*a
# at the atheist dinner with the Blackfords, one woman suggested chicken nuggets should be a controlled substance.
# She thought children should be issued cards that would be swiped every time chicken nuggets are served to a child, quota being twice a week.
# So it was all the more ironic when her husband argued that drugs, even hard drugs like heroin, should not be regulated.
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