A spare laptop battery I bought from Toshiba doesn't hold charge. So I'll be setting out on a 3-week trip tomorrow with 2 faulty batteries.
# Won't get much writing done on a transatlantic flight, then. Contacted Toshiba; they'll exchange the battery, but that will be in 3 weeks.
# Discussing "Blasphemy" by Douglas Preston at Center For Inquiry book club. We agree the book is a bunch of implausibilities strung together.
# For a book where physics figures so prominently, "Blasphemy" surprisingly requires the reader to turn off their brain to enjoy it.
# Then we at the Center For Inquiry book club discussed whether advanced technology is really indistinguishable from magic - we don't think so
# A girl walked into @dogandduckpub - she has strings of diamonds tattooed along the length of her legs, imitating a stocking seam. #whyaustin
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