Back from rocket-launching, puppy-chasing, school-system-cursing fun with the Secular Family Network folks at the Brentwood park.
# going to see Star Trek at the IMAX. I dare it not to live up to my by-now-overinflated expectations!
# Star Trek movie had its good moments, but nothing in it really hooked me. Can't imagine myself going to see it again.
# Female cadets in Star Trek wore micro-mini dresses, even on a battleship. Couldn't they be outfitted with something more combat-worthy?
# thought Kirk and Spock had better chemistry than either of them had with Uhura. No wonder they inspired so much slash fiction!
# Went to the much-hyped @bennucoffee. Their barista chatted with a customer while ignoring me even as I stood right in front of the counter.
# At @bennucoffee I also saw a guy with a Catholic priest's collar and hip-hop artist's mannerisms. Such a cognitive dissonance.
# Last exciting fact of the day: after I carried my laptop in the crook of my arm for 10 min, it burned my arm! The darn thing gets too hot.
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