Oct 20, 2008 01:02
- 09:35 Will be heading to Maker Faire soon. Yes, I know, everybody went yesterday. I could not. I would still be interested in a tweetup today. #
- 13:33 Finally found free WiFi at Maker Barn at #makerfaire. But my camera battery died before I could take not nearly enough pictures. Bummer. #
- 13:40 Many exhibits are #makerfaire the same as from last year. This means I've already written about the best exhibits for the FACT newsletter. #
- 13:45 I wonder how to put a science-fictional spin on the rest of the things I saw in #makerfaire for the FACT newsletter. #
- 13:48 For example, I won't have a picture of a girl being shot with a splatter of red paint. What will my #makerfaire photo page be without it? :) #
- 17:14 Microcontrollers are big at #makerfaire. Maybe they were last year too, and I just didn't notice. #
- 17:19 Microsoft (at its #makerfaire booth) promises it has made microcontroller devices them seductively easy to program with .NET framework. #
- 17:24 Don't know anything about hardware? .NET API will suffice. And Microsoft brainwashed us with free donuts to make its claims go down easier. #
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