A sprinkling of tweets

Oct 17, 2008 01:07

  • 11:37 After a night of insomnia, finally got to #innotech at noon. Standing in lunch line, listened to two guys talk how boring these events are. #
  • 12:11 A guy on "Rich internet applications" on #innotech differentiates between web and internet applications. Aren't those words interchangeable? #
  • 12:16 A guy on "Rich internet applications" on #innotech answers an audience guy's question what AJAX is. Guess this is primarily a nontechie conf #
  • 12:26 I should have said, not exclusively a technical conference. But they mentioned interesting changes coming to HTML5 to empower AJAX #innotech #
  • 12:30 A lot of people here are skeptical about cloud computing. If the cloud, e.g. Amazon, goes down, what happens to your application? #innotech #
  • 12:33 To have your app run on two clouds (for backup purposes), e.g. Google and Amazon, is very complicated: their interfaces are very different #
  • 12:39 Flash sucks when used as standalone. But mixed in little bits with HTML, it can be extremely powerful. Same with AJAX. (heard at #innotech) #
  • 12:49 A guy on "Rich internet applications" on #innotech suggests to read Vernor Vinge's "Rainbows End" if you're interested where RIA is heading #
  • 17:45 Have just watched Paul Walhus interview Journyx CEO at the post-#innotech Austin Tech Happy Hour. That was a good interview. #
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computers, austin tech scene, technology, innotech, programming

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