This is the CR post for RED Soldier. If you are not on here and feel you should be, please comment and I'll move that gear up.
RED Team + Bosslady
The Pyro (Michael Redding)
"The Flame of Victory"
Solly likes Pyro. He and Scout make up the Assault division of RED's team, and he trusts him with his life. He's also VERY fun to get drunk with and play games of "dodgeball" (which involves firing a rocket at Pyro, Pyro reflecting it with an air blast, and then seeing where said rocket goes). Either way, Pyro is Solly's closest friend in Mayfield. And a damn fine soldier, too.
The Demoman (Bam O'Mally)
"The Loose Cannon"
Demoman is another member of the team that Solly feels close to. Particularly over their shared love of things that explode. While he doesn't think Demo should drink QUITE so much, he's not about to stop him either, as he seems to be an even better demoman while intoxicated. Go figure.
The Sniper (Harold Croshaw)
"The Eagle Eye"
Solly owes a great deal to Sniper. On many occasions, his deadly aim is the thing keeping people from ambushing Solly and the rest of the Assault Team when trying to rush the BLUs. He's also a respectful, if quiet, man who doesn't stir the pot in the team. Soldier likes a quiet man.
The Spy (Thierry Desmarais)
"The Professional"
Soldier is not fond of spies. Even ones on his team. And he cannot help but be wary of Spy, even if he HAS proved invaluable to the team. There's just something fishy about him. He's not about to act on it, though.
The Adminstrator
"The Bosslady"
Solly is a man who follows orders. It is the absolute truth of his world. But he cannot stand taking orders from a woman. That and she regularly belittles his intelligence. But hay, she's the source of his paycheck.
BLU Team
BLU Engineer
"The Toymaker"
He is BLU and therefore cannot be trusted. And Soldier knows that if you cut off the brain from the rest of the body, that body cannot function. You can bet your bacon he's going to keep this in mind.
BLU Scout
"The Cityboy"
Completely intolerable while sober. But it's always fun watching him get his ass handed to him. Heh heh...
"The Coward"
Words cannot describe how much Soldier hates Spy. And France. And croutons. Really, he just hates this guy. Solly revels in the joy of cracking him across the face with his shovel.
BLU Sniper
"The Camper"
Like with Spy, Soldier regularly calls this man a coward. He feels that if you cannot look the man you kill in the eyes, then you are not worthy of being on his battlefield. He does not hold this same bias against the RED Sniper. Likely because he is not the enemy.
BLU Medic
"The Fritz"
Soldier is going to mail his boot to the Kaiser with Medic's ass around it. He really hates this guy. Well, he hates all BLUs, but he particularly hates their medic.
849 Goldberg Street
"The Pipsqueak"
Soldier doesn't often talk to his kids. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like them. He can tell that Aang has a strong spirit. It's a shame he's such a damned wimp.
Shirou Emiya
"The Wannabe"
Like with Aang, Solly can tell that Shirou's heart is in the right place. And there are many things they agree on. But Solly also feels that Shirou is a bit too young (and stupid) to understand the ways of real, cruel war.
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