
Jan 31, 2005 21:20

Fears r known fears r hidden how do you confront the fears that r hidden in ur subconscious? what do yo do with those fears that are coming but you haven't seen them yet. The fears you kno that you have but choose not to share do and will catch up with you and when they do then you will fear for your life or can you outrun those fears and keep running for life, for breath, for space, for more fears until they conquer u one and all and u r subdued by only fears. WHAT WILL U DO THEN!?!?!

Hey guys that was just an inspired moment up there lolz i get those. Today was amazing, now really think bout it is ne day where you have to wake up round 6:30 gonna b AMAZING, yea thats right it wasn't. Well i used to tell people that your day is wut u make it i was wrong oh boy i was wrong. Your day for the most part is not controlled solely by you it is controlled by those around you and the way the events of the day carry themselves out. Today skewl YAY, not really, skewl is skewl wut to do you HAVE to attend for a good future they say. I am not sure about that skewl messes with you head alot. People act one way in front of you and then when you turn your back their jaws flap a million words every second and most of them r negative words eh wut you gonna do people talk shyt. Even you closest accomplishes have sold you out. Yea i kno i sound like i trust no one, its not like that i am just wiser in who to trust now cuz its not fun when ur bestfriends get mad at you and opps there goes ur secrets. Yea you gotta choose wisely. Well i got my grades that i was waiting for for a long time 85 precal midterm, i kno i shudda dun better, and 91 for the quarter, and a 95 on creative writing yea i am a writer wut to do. Thats my escape from this fake, negative world i express tro my words u like it yay u can have a cookie now, and u dun Yay i dun care.
l8r guys
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