Sep 13, 2006 20:58
I really cannot make decisions.
I don't actually know what I want.
I know when I don't want something but I don't know when I actually want something.
Maybe I'm shallow?
Maybe 18 years of being single and having 5 crushes at a time makes me not like settling on one guy.
Why am I waiting around for Mr. Perfect because if someone doesnt do something then I want them to, but if they do do it I dont want them to.
I make no sense.
Its just like a scene in a movie.
Follow a script.
Only he isnt acting.
I really miss my friends.
I just want to hug each and every one of you.
Call me please if you can. Whenever.
We go to bed at 6am.
Tomorrow will be better.
And I have a hickey bigger than the time Renee bit the side of my knee that time. And you guys would piss yourselves laughing.
Guys are stupid.
I miss playgrounds and my slobs.