Sep 21, 2004 16:36
wow okay i just need to get this off of my chest bcuz it fucking pisses me off. This girl, needs to fucking grow up and stop lying and exaggerating every fucking thing that happens in her life. her and tom skipped yesterday and i dono y they skip so much.. well i can understand SOMEWHAT why tom does cuz he has a lotta shit going on but like i just hate that he skips with tracy alone. she is such a dirtbag and she goes out of her way soo much to put on this "i'm hardcore and miserable" look.. imean, she wears more makeup than even i wear.. even more than i dono w/e but her image is really sad that she tries to convey bcuz we all know that its bull shit. i used to be her best friend and believe me i know. whatever so i grew up and she didn't . everyone grew up basically except for her and she is fucking ruining tom's life. she told me that they got caught skipping and they couldn't go on senior trip and they couldn't go to prom and they have saturday detentions and 15 demerits.. okay so all i am thinking about is prom cuz i knew tom wasn't going on sr. trip... oaky im like thinking shit i wanted to go to prom with tom and stef cuz stef is cool and i hav no other friends anyway and now that tom skipped with this girl tracy now stephanie can't go. i mean all i think is wtf do they do all day? walk in the streets.. wtf. just get school over with then it isn't THAT bad... but whatever to 9th period i go to tom wtf tracy told me u can't go on senior trip to disney.. prom .. u have 15 demerits and u have saturday detentions.. and tom is like nooo noo thats all wrong tracy exaggerated it soo much. Fucking lying bitch. but anyways rob was like yea she told me all that bull shit too. tom was like no i have 10 demerits and saturday detention. and i was like.. thats all??? wtf. when i stopped tlaking to tracy cuz i was sick of all her bullshit lies evry1 was like why are u mad at her. then the hwole thing about kate and matt. FUCK . i hate little drama girls like this. she's like fucking a jap with red hair trying to be a rebel bcuz she thinks its cool... if ur gonna be a rebel u should just be one and not have to lie about it. thats what is so sad. the truth is lost in so much bull shit. she told matt that kate sucks dick for coke. tracy aparently likes him. we asked kate and kate said it wasn't tru. hmm. another smell of a rat?. i just want to help tom and i hate how this girl is destructing him even more. tom is so smart and we all know he is he just needs to be fucking guided. god. i wish i was fucking God. i would toltally give him a new guardian angel. tom is cody's cousin and when me n cody get married i'm probly gonna see him a lot more and i dont want to be going to his funeral when hes like 27 bcuz he drinks and smokes too much and goes to rehab for marijuana and then he has lung cancer from cigarettes. i want him to be successful. i want peple close to me to be happy. i mean first of all cigs are so nasty. anyone who smokes them is just dirty. and when i say that i mean EVERYONE. its a gross thing . eww. and they smell. as well as the people who smoke them. oh wait i forgot .. according to them its "cool and rebelious." . oops i guess i just.. forgot that? when ur dying i will be thriving.
whatever i hav to go to work now. sorry i needed to vent. thats probly the last u will hear of it all cuz i fucking hate dramatic girls.
cuz when ur best friend is the jury
bottom line is u cant get judged