Give me Novacaine or sedate me :(

Apr 17, 2006 08:46

hm well...
i need to talk to a few people today to get my mind at rest.
Last night was shit.
I feel shit.
but who cares...heh.
Got 4-5 hours sleep last night.
So i still feel like SHIT.
I slept feeling like THE shittiest person in the world and i wake up feeling the exact same, if not, even worse. =[
blue skies today...and im stuck here..great.
Got english commentary left do to...i REALLY...dont want to do it. Human Bio revision is okay. Drama Costume is still not done =/
I woke up at 2..thought about things...cried more...went back to sleep about 3:30 HEH.
woke up at 6. didnt go back to sleep...stared at the ceiling...cried abit. ( emo yes. shut up cunt)
Decided to get up at 7...sat in my bed and stared at my not saying why.
Got in the shower at 7:30.
Got out.
I really need to talk to so and so.

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