Holiday Re-cap

Dec 28, 2007 14:34

1. Holiday xmas party:
When it comes to food, working for a company with a Lebanese background definitely has it's advantages. We had a cookie and coco lunch party with a beautiful spread of cookies torts and pastries both home made and fresh made, perhaps there will be pictures later or maybe not. Then we were each presented with a project red IPod Shuffle, (which makes the office currently look strangely erie as I look around and see everyone wired to a pinkish red square clipped to their lapels.)

2. Our X-mas, (awwe:)
Dan, Cat and I had our Xmas Thursday night. Dan got me a jade, onyx, and hematite necklace, Steven Colbert's I am America, and so can You!, A game for my DS, among other happy little things; and he recieved an espresso machine, grinder, and coffee flavourings; and cat recieved a lot of boxes and she has never been happier. Then much cuddling was had by all.

3. Michigan:
I left Dan for Michigan, it was a rather warm day which made for great air temperature, and 2' fog visability through the PA turnpike. Here i think my father won for the most amusing gifts. He thought that my mother could use a larger purse so he found a large tasteful looking coach bag, while it was immediately obvious to the woman in the family, my father was oblivious to the fact that it was just a very expensive diper bag;  He bought my uncle a box of charcoal which he had to dig through to locate a $500 gift certificate for a more efficient mean of heat: propane, (at least i found it clever;) He bought his Mother a temperpedic mattress, which he proceded to spend the next week sleeping in, (I think he just got tired of sleeping on the old mattress when he came to visit, tonight will be the first time my grandmother actually gets to try it out.) And I recieved two necklaces from two different aunts.  One aunt I hardly ever see got me a beautiful crystal charm on a black suade string, and the one i see a few times a year got me one of the most hidious things i'd ever seen thick brigtht silver tiffany looking thing with a large mirror dogtag looking heart, (fortunately that one also came with a gift reciept.)
The night ended with a 6 person texas hold'em tourny, given that I play at most once a year, and was playing against someone who made about $170,000 playing this game just in the past year, I didn't think I had a chance, yet somehow I managed to win the tourny earning enough cash to pay my toll and coffee bill home.

4. Tonight:
Tonight I build ginger bread houses and pack up for tomorrow

5. Tomorrow:
Tomorrow I move. wish me luck ;)

6. New years eve:
No idea, may just do something low key unless something else presents itself.
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