Feb 22, 2010 03:09
Greetings world!!
Apparently I have not blogged since February 3rd. HAHA.
Much much has happened since then. School is most definitely in full swing. This semester I am taking Macroeconomics, Managerial Accounting, English Composition, Orchestra, and Algebra II. Thus far I am passing all my classes! I got an A on my first math test and have been keeping up with the others.
In the world of Student Government I have officially been sworn in as Region IV Senator of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges. My first meeting was very interesting to say the least. I learned a lot and look forward to the march meeting. I enjoyed my trip to Sacramento, met awesome people like Senators Nazi, Robledo, and Garfinkel and got re-aquainted with Senators Pader, Richards, and President Milburn. Our meeting lasted two days and our packet was in excess of 135 pages. I took an oath to represent the students in my region and I owed it to them to read all those pages and provide my input.
This past saturday I ended my term as Chair of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges Region IV. I had an amazing time, with many ups and downs I managed to make it through. I had to step down to become Regional Senator, but I think it's a good choice!
In ASOC we had our application period end on February 16. We welcomed 35 new people to the group to bring our total count to 57 this semester. This is officially the largest AS in the history of the college. Former Legislative Representative Devine, Current Legislative Representative Morhous, Senators Trinidad and Choy and Secretary Gonda have been assets in the reorganization of the ASOC. It's not going to be easy, but I know we can get it done and change it for the better!
In social news. I have spent most of my time with Shayna, Kevin N, Carolyn, Jackie, Jason, Charlyn, Akash, and Meilani. But lately I have been a hermit when it comes to being social. For Valentine's Day I had three valentines this year :) Michaela, Jason, and Vy, and for Singles Awareness Day I had Michael and Shayna. For my valentine (I won't mention which one) I got this person a single red rose, the best one that Charlyn and I could find. I also gave this person a gift card. At first they were saying they didn't have a valentine. Honestly that made me feel crappy.. but then they took it back and said, "oh that's right, I do have one." epic fail :(. Other than that I had a good Valentines/SAD.
In the quasi-religious world. I gave up Facebook for lent. I won't be back on until April 4th. It seems like soooo far away. I was a Facebook addict in the sense that that was my social interaction primarily via facebook chat. I enjoyed looking at people's pictures, posting my own, etc. It's been tough, but it really has made me talk to people more via AIM/GChat, Skype, Phone, Text, and in person. We shall see how it goes :). I feel so disconnected form the world.
My eyes are killing me. I will blog more later :)