Feb 29, 2012 08:11
...is never, ever, boring. That's for sure.
I'll go ahead and call that more of a blessing than a curse. "May you live in interesting times", isn't that an old Chinese curse?
in brief, Sharon is back living in MA after far too long away on adventures it's not my place to detail here, although it's public knowledge that she had a health problem in FL (and is still recovering). I helped her settle into her new place in Central MA, nearly 2 hours West-ish of Boston, far, but far closer that FL, and having not seen her in 6 months, spending an evening, followed by a whole day together was very very welcome, not that it wouldn't have been at any time in the past couple of decades plus that I've known her.
While dining together, my van was struck by a hit and run driver, someone told me and gave me her plate number. Waiting to hear back from the police in that town. It would be difficult to imagine she was unaware she left the scene of an accident, part of me feels bad that she may face some legal problems, but I try to think of myself as a cog in the universe, helping her learn a lesson in civic responsibility. Also I am hoping very much to get something like $600 or so from her auto insurance company. I just hope it doesn't get ugly.
much to do so I'll just briefly say in additional James news, my drummer is in Africa again for another week roughly, sends back positive news, hopefully things go well there. I have a legal situation I can't discuss publicly yet that I have to do some paperwork for I've been procrastinating. I have something else to say, but it's worthy of its own post, regarding exactly just how much I have been getting my shite together. Its now 2 steps forward, the occasional step back, instead of one step forward 2 steps back, suffice it to say.
peace to all.