Apr 26, 2005 21:06
I'm really sick of people who attempt to say Rap is a better form of music than Rock*. It is sort of like saying McDonalds has better food than a top rated restaurant in France. You indeed may enjoy McDonalds more, and you are entitled to that. However, your right to an opinion ends there.
*When I say rock, I am talking about rock. Not emo, punk, or any group that has totally renamed itself to make up for what they lack.
First off, let us look at what it takes to make a McDonalds hamburger:
-Pre-Cut Cheese.
-Processed Grinded meat, pre-made into a patty form.
-Pre-Chopped Pickles.
-Pre-cooked and pre-cut bread.
-Simple, premade sauce.
Basically, the whole task here is assembly. A machine could do this with little difference.
Now, let us look as what goes into a normal meal at a high-class restaurant:
-Meats are not pre-cut, nor pre-cooked. Must be prepared manually.
-Spices must be added, in exact amounts, to achieve desired effect.
-You must know the correct knife for every cut you make.
-Each dish requires a certain style, and amount, of cooking.
Years of mastery are required. Obviously, it is rather complex.
Now, for the music!
-Beats are simple, and machine made. Beyond putting them together, little is required.
-Lyrics need only to rhyme. If no rhyming word is found, one can be completely made up, thus little language skill is required.
-Lyrics need only be semi-timed with music.
-Regardless of actual content, album will sell if the artist is popular.
-3+ people must come together to create a piece of music that is audibly pleasing.
-Lyrics normally will have an overall purpose and meaning to the song as a whole.
-Words must be found that not only rhyme,or flow correctly, but contribute to the meaning of the message.
-Singing requires a mastery of your voice.
So basically, you're taking two completely separate things. One is mostly taking random words and rhyming them, and adding a beat. The other, is taking instruments, creating sounds with them, putting them into a piece of music, and making that piece of music fit correctly with the other instruments in the band, as well as matching the overall feeling of the song.
If anyone wishes to attempt to argue that rap is a superior form of music, I am open to the discussion. However, I am not making the claim that you rock is necessarily more pleasing to listen to. I am looking at the music itself, and what is required for the form. It is impossible to claim that "xxx form of music sucks" when speaking from an opinion of what you enjoy listening to, as that, as I've said, is your opinion.