Jul 01, 2004 21:45
ok u noe wut scratch wut i said in my first post....ima write hurr alot...i mean diz iz duh 3rd tym 2daii ....dude...datz how bored i am nd how pathetic muh life iz. well aniiwaii....i have been in the same xzact spot since my last post....and all ive dun in that tym iz sit hurr n listen 2 muzic n chat 2 muh fwendz ((yes thats ryt...i...i, ceinwen, actually haz frendz..hehe))hmm...my dad finally getz home after dissappearing for the whole daii....with hiz fone off and not contacting usin aniiwaii since 5 30 diz mrnin wen he left for work...hmm...suspicious ehh? and u noe wut....he took muh laptop'z charger wit him cuz hiz iz broken...leavin meh 2 sit hurr on diz 11 yr old comp datz about az slow as a bingo group ((hehe im so mean 2 old pplz)) and believe it or not most of the tym i spent between postz...i was triin 2 get bak 2 the updating page...now how sad iz that?..ugghhh...i think i made a very smart name for my journal...the onlii tym summer feelz lyka vaca iz wen ima far far awaii frum all muh whining lil siblingz...but...unfortunatlii muh mom wunt let meh go lyk aniiwhere...so0o....i dunt have much ofa vacation.iznt it strange how wen i have absolutely nothing 2 talk bout...i take up the most space...hmm...i better stop talkin b4 they MAKE meh which im sure they can...i reeli wudnt noe...but aniiwaii....buhbye for now!! *in mocho man voice* "ILL BEH BAK!!"...2morro