Dec 17, 2004 16:59
hey sry i havent updated in a while but hey sh^* happens if ya get wat im sayin. so nm really happened this week. but today i took the bus nd on the way home i heard someone saying this place by house was on fire nd when we get pasted amandas house nd wow it was on fire. so we all got off the bus went pasted it wow it was sad seeing the family in pain wit the house being taken down. well on the note idk wat im doing tonight i think im gunna mall it wit amanda nd some other ppls.
heres a surey u should take.
() go out with me?
() give me your number?
() have sex with me?
() let me kiss you?
() watch a movie with me...even a really gory one when u know u hate those movies?
() let me take you out to dinner?
() fly all the way to europe to see me?
() take a shower with me?
() have a fling with me?
() take me home for the night?
() Would you let me sleep in your bed?
() give me oral?
() re-post this for me to answer your questions?
() Let me give you a piggyback ride?
() stay up untill 4 AM just to talk to me?
do you's
1. do you think im cute?
2. do you want to kiss me?
3. do you want to cuddle with me?
4. do you want to hook up with me?
are we's
1. are we aquintences?
2. are we friends?
3. are we hook ups?
4. are we in a relationship?
5. are we gonna have kids?
am i's
1. am i smart?
2. am i hott?
3. am i funny?
4. am i interesting?
5. am i datable?
have you ever?
1. have you ever thought about me?
2. have you ever thought there might be an "us"?
3. have you ever thought about hookin up with me?
4. have you ever found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
5. have you ever wished i were there?
are you's
1. are you attracted to me?
2. are you happy you know me?
3. are you mad at me?
4. are you thinkin bout me?
5. are you going to repost this so that i will return the favor?