The world owed you nothing

Jan 19, 2007 15:49

Recently the idea of the world oweing someone something has been comming up quite frequently. Im not going to mention names for those I speak of know exactly who you are. Disabled is one thing but enabling yourself to be disabled is another. Unepmloyed is one thing but enabling yourself to stay unemployed is yet another. However it is not just people enabling themselves to leech from our system. It is our system itself, designed by sick people for sick people to enable sickness. Dont get me wrong those who truely need disability and welfare im all for it. However if your capable of working then you should work. If you have minor malfunctions get help and work. Why should someone with anxiety, recieve more money on disaibility then a single mom going to school who has to support herself and a child. A person who is going to school so she can give something back to society and be self reliant. The sloth on disability who recieves double and does not have to go to school, work, or do community service will leech our systen dry. If fear is a disability arnt we all sick? Im sure the single mother has more to fear then the single sloth whome has only herself to support.
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