Aug 19, 2009 09:53
Stupid Fucking Busses and their Stupid Fucking Numbers..So today I tried to ride my first ever city bus. Epic Fail.
For some reason I thought that I needed to get on the 24, when infact, it was the 23 I needed to catch, So I, Like a shmuck, sat there and watched as the 23 came and went...Very stupid. Then I proceeded to wander aimlessly trying to figure out why my bus never came...Then it hit me. The 24 is for coming back to the dorm...the 23 is for going from the dorm.
Silly Me.
Ah well....I have another one coming around in 30 minutes....Wish me luck on this try.
Oh, in other news, My Roommate, whom I've never met, moves in today, late afternoon-ish. Hopefully all goes well with that one too!!!
Bye All.