Jul 10, 2006 16:24
The first thing that pops in your mind when you
finish this sentence is...
1. My ex is.... Best friend, love, past
2. I am listening to... The attack of the Base heads
3. Maybe I should... go to sleep
4. I love... my friends
5. My best friend(s)... Whitney, Sara, Ryan, Chris
6. I don't understand... myself
7. I lost... Resident Evil
8. People say... Be nice
9. The meaning of my screen name is... i don't know
10. Love is... everything
11. Somewhere, someone is... dying
12. I will always.. be forgotten
13. Forever seems... an instant
14. I never want to... love and not be loved
15. My mobile phone... non-existan
16. When I wake up in the morning... I wonder what happend
17. I get annoyed... when I wake up to noise
18. Parties are... Are amazing
19. My Dogs are.. Beautiful
20. Kisses are the best when... in the rain
21. Today I... will sleep
22. Tomorrow I will... work
23. I really want... somebody