[Fic] Cupid Notes (4/?)

Mar 21, 2009 20:42

Previous Chapters :   2  3

~Chapter 4~

The next day..

They had their practice together again. KAT-TUN and NEWS were resting in the studio, after an hour of exhausting dance practice. But, today, it was different as yesterday. Neither yell nor insult were heard which mean that Ryo didn’t mock his actually-not-so enemy; Ueda. The rest of the member felt happy, their practice went smoothly and they did not have to stop their stupid fight or to hear the mocking and insults exchange between them, well except for Jin. He thought that something must had happen between them but he didn’t know what it is.

“Ne... What’s wrong??” Koike stood beside him. The latter just shook his head signaling nothing. Koike’s eyes were attached to Ryo who sat on the couch, only listening to his member’s chatting. Then, he turned to look at Ueda who sat beside Jin; listening to his mp3 player.

“They didn’t fight today??”

“As you can see here... They are not.” It’s more to a whisper since Jin didn’t want his friend thought that he was crazy to talk alone.

“I knew it... Duh... What’s wrong with my plan yesterday, huh??” He talked more to himself; forgot that Jin can hear him.

“What plan? Yesterday?”

“.......” Koike gulped.

“I think you have something to tell me, right?”

“I do … not think so..”

“You really should tell me now. Or I will cut your wings.”

“Like you can...”

“Okay. I guess I can’t but now tell me what happen...”

Koike sighed.


“What??!! They did meet yesterday?? And they fought that time??” Koike told Jin about what happened to the RyoDa yesterday just now. Jin covered his mouth; didn’t want anyone to hear his high-pitched voice. Luckily no one was beside him; as he was alone in their dressing room.

“Yes... They met yesterday... Of course it was because of my plan.. And yes.. I think you can say that they fought yesterday...” He sighed again. He really hated it when Jin questioned him like that.

“And you used that book??” Koike only nodded as the answer. What a stupid question…

“I just thought that I’ll have some fun with them…But I didn’t know that it’ll turn out to be like this...”

“It’s because you are not good enough to make them realize their feeling.”

“Hey~ It’s not my fault... They were too selfish to just realize their true feeling... Especially that Ueda...and FYI I’m the CUPID here, so have some respect please!” Koike pouted. No answer from Jin before he suddenly spoke,

“I really need to do something. And this time, let’s use my idea instead of yours... “Koike looked into Jin’s determined eyes. “What will you do, huh?” Jin ignored him, only went out from the dressing room and headed to the studio back. Koike shrugged before he followed the other. Now I’m totally wishing that I can read human thoughts…


Ueda blinked his eyes. His blurred vision finally cleared and he can see the surrounding of the room. He became anxious when he felt both of his hands were tied at his back. The frown on his face was so obvious when he can feel there were other hands tied together with his. Okay, so there was another man behind him. The man’s scent seemed familiar to him but no way it will be him. He poked several times on the other’s back, tried to wake him up.

He then tried to remember what happened to him before this. He was resting in the dressing room before Jin called him to the studio to talk about something. After that, everything went blurred. When he woke up, he was already in that room. He can’t remember anything. Was Jin the one who did this to him?? Or maybe his band mates were pulling a prank on him? He definitely will give them his right hook punch if they really did this to him. Thinking about it, Ueda didn’t realize that he was poking hard.

“Can you stop poking my back because it hurt me..!” He heard the other’s answer. He was surprised and tched. Damn it…It is really him!!

“What the hell is happening right now?!” Ueda asked but being answered by a grunt from the man.

“How’d the hell I know?!! I just woke up when you poked me hard just now.”

“It’s not so hard…You’re the one who is weak, so that’s why..”

“I’m not~!” the man whined.

“Whatever, Nishikido...” Ueda decided to ignore the other.






“What’s wrong with you that day??” Ryo asked the other as the silence that filled the room made him felt awkward.


“I mean…That time when we met at the stairs. Why did you run away when I wanted to explain to you?” Ryo braved himself to talk about it again.

“Because…I don’t think I need any explanation for that…”

“If I’m not explain it to you, how can you know the truth??”

“The truth is already there right?? I already -sort of- confessed to you and your only love is to insult me...”

“But, it’s true that I love mocking you…Ooii~!! Stop!! Don’t poke my back anymore!!” Ryo tried to grip the older’s hand and stop him from poking him again. And he finally did.

“And I also love you~!! I love you since that Shounen Club time…” He emphasized his first sentence. Ryo was now caressing Ueda’s hand to assure the other that he wasn’t lying.

“But… Why??” Ueda doubted that Ryo is actually in love with him.

“Ever heard that a boy will tease his crush because they like to see their crush getting angry so they can interact more..? When I insulted you, I love the way you react to my insult. Your face, so cute~ Well, although you had that eww hair style…”

“But, why you can’t just stop insulting me and just confess to me then?? It’s been years for your info~!” Ueda had stopped trying to loosen Ryo’s iron grip and let him.

“I always tried to~ But, my brain worked so fast or maybe it didn’t and so did my tongue too~! Whenever I stormed into your dressing room, I can’t help to not mock you because I really want to see that red face of yours...”


“Hey…” Ryo shook his hands when Ueda just kept silence.

“Are you telling me the truth??”

“Yes, I am. I’m truly sorry for what I had done to you and now, I confess to you that I really love you with all my heart, Ueda Tatsuya...” He hated the situation; although he already confessed to the older but not seeing his face and can’t directly admitted his feeling, he could only tightened his grip fondly as to firmly stated his statement just now.

“Thanks, Ryo... “Ueda could only mutter that. He was extremely happy but felt pissed off since the tie still can’t be detached. He really needs to face Ryo and kiss him there.

Well, every confession is confirmed with a kiss, right?

But, in a second, the tie had slacked off their hand and the new couple was surprised since how tight the knot was but now it had already loosened in mere seconds. Nevertheless, the new couple doesn’t wait to stand up.

They just stood there, looking into each other eyes. Ueda tried to find the hint of dishonest in the other’s eyes and he found none. When he realized, he already in his lover’s embrace and his hands automatically hugged Ryo back.


“Hurm..” the younger replied; his face nuzzled against Ueda’s hair as enjoyed his scent.

“Say it again for me..?” Ryo looked up and stared into Ueda’s beautiful orbs and smiled before whispered,

“… I love you with all my heart …”

In second, they were kissing; full with passionate and took their relationship to the next level…

Well, let skip this part okay...xD

“I really don’t want to see this...” Koike flew out of the room. He entered the room just now to check RyoDa as he wanted to see whether Jin’s plan was working or not. As he entered, he saw the couple had already hugged each other and that time, he definitely needed to go out from the room immediately; never wanting to see the lovey-dovey scene of them.

note : Truly gomen for my REALLY late update.. >.<

fanfic;ryoda, fanfic;akame

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