I'm Akame biased so..

Feb 01, 2009 00:10

My holiday is going to be end soon..
Next week I will start my school back.. Argh~

Anyway, I'm just finished watching CTKT ep 92 an hour ago..
Luv the CTKT Grand Prix~!!! XDD
I have a big grin in my face when Jin and Kame's name always being mentioned after each other~!!! lol Kame and Junno's new style of dogeza is soo funny~!!! XD
And Nakamaru being so over confident yet he made 2 incident in the 1st lap~!! lmao

I was extremely gigantic happy when Akame were the in the last place for the competition so they have to be the new AD~!!! ^o^
I know, Jin purposely being in the last place since Kame already disqualified as he was out of the track~ Poor him.. ^^

Demo, that baka Junno was cheating in the racing which it made him automatically disqualified in the race and it's means that he and Kame should be the new AD~!!!!
So, Jin can't be the AD with Kame and I was just like 'STUPID JUNNO~!!!! I HATE YOU FOR THIS!!!!! And why not if that reporter just shut up and don't mention about that cheat so let Akame be the new AD~??!!!!' >S
I can see the frustrated face of Jin that time~ I'm Akame biased so.. thehehe..

Anyway, when they were in that restaurant, Jin was so kawaiii~!! When he was eating and joking with Maru~ NakaNishi is fun~!!! Kame served the food for Jin~ ^ v ^
And he was just like a housewife serving for her husband's dinner~ XDDD

Well, gomen ne for my rambling bout Akame... ^__^'
As I said, I'm Akame biased so please bear with me, ne~?? (^ w ^) v

*goes off to continue writing my fic*

akame, my...

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