[Fic] 4 times Ryo Got Jealous + 1 time Ueda too..

Dec 22, 2008 23:09

TITLE : 4 Times Ryo got jealous + 1 time Ueda got jealous too..
RATING : do we need this?? lol
GENRE : fluffy~
SUMMARY : As the title says..

Sorry for the long title.. *hides*


Taguchi walks into Jimusho with his annoying smile; greets everyone he meets.

“Ohayo~ Nishikido-kun~” He greets Ryo as he meets him on the way to KAT-TUN’s room but yet he receives a glare from the other.

“What’s wrong with him??” He asks his group members as he enters the room.

“Who??” One of the KAT-TUN’s members asks him; wants more explanation from him.

“Nishikido-kun... When I greet him just now, he just glares at me without saying anything... His glare is really kowai~!!” He puts his bag on his table and takes out his Nintendo DS.

“Oh... Just ignores it, okay?? I know why...” Ueda speaks as he heard his lover’s name.

“Eh?? What’s wrong with him?” Ueda’s answer distracts his attention from his beloved Nintendo DS.

“You remember when we were filming the PV for SIGNAL?? There was a time where you gave me a piggyback ride... He got jealous with that...” Ueda answers it lazily. He remembers the reaction given by Ryo when he watched the PV; shocks and his eyes widen than ever. After that, he sulked because Ueda willingly do the piggyback and cursed Taguchi for doing that to his beloved hime.

“I didn’t do anything to you... That baka--“Ueda suddenly smacks his head.

“Don’t say that~!! Taguchi, let’s do more fanservice and let that baka envy you...”

“No problems-- No, it’s a BIG problem...” Taguchi changes his mind after he noticed Ryo was glaring at him at the door.


“Tadaima~” Ueda opened the door of his apartment. He released a relieve sigh; finally his work is over.

“Okaeri~” His lover shouted from the kitchen. Ueda headed to the long couch and landed itself.

“Here... Ne, Tat-chan... I have something to tell you...” Ryo handed a glass of water to his older lover.

“Arigatou~ what is it??” Ueda sipped a bit before he finished it all in one shot.

“Lets duet with me...”

“HAH?? I beg your pardon...” Ueda stunned for a while; didn’t believe of what his lover said.

“I said let’s duet with me... Let’s sing a song together. Like you sing Butterfly with Jin... I write the lyric and you create the music... How??” Ryo’s eyes show a determination. He sat beside Ueda.

“Are you crazy?? You and I are not in the same band... And what people will say if we; who have been fight before this, suddenly sing together?? It’s weird you know?? And people will talk about our relationship...”

“So what if we’re not in the same band?? We are still under Johnny right? And if people ask about us, just tell the truth... Please~ I’m jealous with Jin because he can sing together with you... And yeah... The lyric makes me feel jealous too...” Ryo’s pouted; sulked because the older boy doesn’t want to duet with him.

“The lyric??”

“Yeah... Amazing love~ You and I~ Look likes both of you were in love...” Ryo imitated Jin’s style and made the latter chuckled.

“Baka~ It’s just a line of sentences that doesn’t mean anything~”

“It means a lot to me~!!”

“Besides, didn’t I say it to you every single day?? Is it not enough?” Ueda wrapped Ryo’s waist and placed his head at the other’s shoulder. Ryo is so cute when he jealous~


“Where did you go?”

“Where did I go??” Ueda answered Ryo’s question with a question.

“Where did you go with Maru??”

“We went to Hokkaido... “He replied lazily. Not again...

“Why you didn’t tell me?”

“Why should I tell you?? You are not my mom for me to tell where I go, what I do and things like that...” What’s wrong with this Osakan??

“But I’m your lover~ so you should tell me where you go, with whom and what you do... So, I’ll not end up being so worry about you...”

“Oh really?? After I tried to call you for million times and no answer from you, should I tell you?? And, I only went there with Maru... There are no things to worry about...” Ueda replied it back with a sigh. A jealous Ryo is troublesome~

“I have my practice that day... I already called you back, but you off your phone... Why did you off it? It makes me more worried... Do you share a room with him??

“That is for pay back for what you did to me...” Ryo frowned. This hime...

“You didn’t answer my question~”

“About that room?? I’m not... Koki will mad at me if Maru shares a room with me...” Ueda lied. Do you think I’m that stupid to tell you the truth??

“And I will be fucking mad at you and Maru too~ Remember that~!!” Ueda gulped.


“I wonder what you do during your free times..” MatsuJun asks his kouhai, Maru while Ryo listens to it.

“I often go shopping.. Usually when I have times..” Maru answers back.


“With Ueda-kun..” Maru’s answer makes Ryo shocks. Eh?? Tat-chan never tell me this.. He keeps glaring at the beatboxer. Not long after that, he feels relieved as Maru said that he went shopping with other member too. It means that not only two of them.. He smirks in his heart.

“Shopping.. Or get massage…” Maru answers again when his senpai asked him more about his free time.

Eh?? Massage??!! Is it with Ueda?? Ryo wants to ask but his senpai was faster than him.

“Yup.. With Ueda..” Maru’s answer is just like a knife that stabbed Ryo’s back.

“Usually Ueda and I go to dinner as well.. After we finished our work, we have dinner, get a massage, and then go home..” Maru explains more which make Ryo feels every word he said stabbed him.

Tat-chan never tell anything about this..

“I thought being like that with other member are pretty normal..” Maru said more.

It’s not normal!! Both of you are too close.. TOO CLOSE!!!

Ryo keeps silent and licking his lips; tries to hide his angry.

You’re so gonna get after this Maru coz hangs out with my hime too often~!!

He glares to the said person, but Maru is too busy talking with MatsuJun.

1 time Ueda get jealous with NEWS member.

Ueda was lying on the couch in KAT-TUN dressing room as he just finished with KAT-TUN late practice. Suddenly, his phone plays Code song but he just ignored it as he knows who the caller is already.

“Tat-chan picks up your phone... It’s noisy~” Koki spoke up since the U of the KAT-TUN still ignoring his phone.

“Or you want me to pick it up for you??” In a second, Ueda’s phone was already in Koki’s hand. Realizing it, Ueda quickly took his phone back while glancing to the rapper.

“Moshi moshi...” He answered his lover’s call lazily.

“Hi baby...” The caller replied it back with a grin painted at his face.

“What do you want, Ryo??”

“Nothing... Hehehe...”

“Really?? Ok... Bye...” Ueda almost hang up the phone when he heard Ryo screamed “Chotto~!!”

“What??” Ueda growled. What this baka Osakan want right now??~~

“What day is today?” Ryo started asking like a kindergarten teacher.


“What is the date today?”

“3rd November... you just wanted to ask me about this?? Ah~” Ueda remembered something.

“Hehehe… So do you remember anything right now??”

“Thanks for reminding me about this... I already promised with Junno to go to Shibuya...” Ueda lied. He smirked although his lover couldn’t see it. You want me to wish you happy birthday but you celebrate it with your member??

“What??!!” Ryo screamed.

“Okay... Jya~” Ueda hung up the phone; with smirks still plastered on his face. The other KAT-TUN members look at their U; without Ueda noticing it.

“What’s wrong with him?? Since when did I agree to go to Shibuya with him??” Junno whispered to Kame.

“He is actually jealous with NEWS member since Ryo celebrates his birthday with his group at the concert... So, he lied to him...” Kame explained.

“Eh??? Really?? Poor you, Tat-chan~ Hehehe...” Junno showed his annoying smile to Ueda making the latter threw a death glance to him.


This is something that I wrote long time ago but didn't finished it as I dun have any idea that time..
And since raixas and I agreed to do double update, so I decide to post this..
Dunno whether it's good or not.. -_-'
But feel free to comment if read this.. ^o^


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