[Fic] Last chance

Dec 10, 2009 21:11

Title : Last chance.
Pairing : Akame
Genre : angst
Rating : PG13

Summary : Every night is his last chance.

Note : Sorry for the short summary.. ^^'
And this is ... drabble? One shot?

I guess a short one shot fic eh..?


The moonlight invaded through the window, brightened the dim room that only had a lamplight in the corner of the room, switched on. His pale face can be seen in the limited light, it was purely clean. Beside him, a man sat faithfully companied him.

“Look at me…” Kame nodded, a smile formed on his face.

“Kame, what do you think?” Jin made some pose in front of Kame, who purposedly unrealized the presence of his best friend.

“Hmmm….” Kame flipped through the magazine, only humming to Jin. Jin totally knew that Kame wasn’t even looking at him, whined.


“Yes, what do you want?”

“Look at me~~ Do I look good in this?” Kame sighed, and turned his gaze to Jin.

One of their old memories came back into his mind. He smiled.

“Stay by my side tonight?”

Another nod. Forever, Jin. Forever.

And they stayed like that for minutes. Kame slowly stroked Jin’s hair, his other hand entangled with Jin’s.

“Thank you…” A soft whisper came from the one laying on the bed. Kame startled, his gaze turned to Jin.

“I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you.” No. You are not doing anything wrong to me.

“What have you done?” He caressed Jin’s palm. He wished time to stop now.

“We are best friends. That’s what I regret now.” Jin smiled a bitter smile. His reply didn’t answer his question.

“Now you regret being my best friend?” Kame’s hand stopped from continue running through Jin’s wavy hair. Jin slowly rose from his position, grunted when even a slight movement made his body hurt.

“Not that I hate it, Kazu. It just that--“ Jin cleared his throat, it felt hard for him to speak now.

“It just that I’m afraid… I’m afraid, Kazu. That I know I need to leave you in anytime. Sooner or later.” Jin could feel the grip on his hand tightened. Kame took a breath, his tears threatened to fall down.

“No, you don’t need to afraid, Jin. I’m still here, right? We can fight this together.”

“Not together anymore, Kazu. It’s only me. If I die, it’ll be only you alone. You’ll be sad, and that is what I regret, Kazu. To let you sad and it is because of me.” His vision blurred for second as tears falling down his face without notice. Jin reached his face and wiped the tear.

“I’m sorry. Please don’t cry, Kazu. Not now.” Tears kept falling and Kame hated this. He should be strong in front of Jin, but he failed miserably.

“I don’t want you to die Jin. I still need you.” Word by word went out from his mouth. He gave up on crying as he took Jin’s hand and put it on both his cheeks.

“I know that Kazu. Please don’t cry anymore.” Jin moved his hand to both Kame’s shoulder. I cry because I care for you Jin.

“It because you are precious to me Jin. Let me cry for you this once.” Kame tried to smile, he never know that it is hard to smile now.

“Then promise me that you can enjoy your life after I’m no longer here anymore Kazu? Be happy and smile for me..?”

“I doubt that--“

“Don’t you know, every tears you’ve shed, there are smile waiting for you?” Jin let out a chuckle. Kame too tried to laugh but it only saddened him more.

“I know you can, Kazu. Please, for me… Your precious one.” Jin pulled him for a hug. They stayed like that before Kame could hear Jin’s whisper.

“Before I lose the chance to say this, please let me say it.” Kame shifted under Jin’s hug, and the hug tightened as if he will never let Kame go.

“You are the one I care the most and I never think of leaving you alone. But I know I need to someday, we can’t avoid that cruel fact. I regret that when we were already grown up, it felt like I didn’t spend much time with you. And now I need to leave you, without knowing when the time will come.” Coughs were escaping from Jin’s mouth. Kame soothed him by gently rubbing his back.

“I hate that I can’t meet you anymore. I wish we can have our time back. I wish we could spend more time together and happily enjoy it. I wish I could always be by your side. I’ll never forget you. Because you are my precious one. I’m going to miss you. Remember that I always love you, and I’ll be waiting for you up there. When I’m no longer breathing, when it will be only you instead of us, remember my word, please… Feel these words that I no longer can say it. I love you.” Tears that had welled up in his eyes, falling down his face for the umpteenth times. Jin poured butterfly kisses on his milky neck, and Kame let him be.

He knew Jin was sobbing that time, from the way he whispered to him and his tears dropped on Kame’s neck. Kame continued caressing Jin’s back, he wanted to feel Jin more. He ran his hands, trying to remember the broad shoulder, the long hands, and every curves of him. It might be the last chance for him and he wanted to treasure the last chance he had.

And tears kept falling down his face.

When he felt Jin’s grip started to loosen, he quickly took hold on Jin’s shoulder. He looked at Jin’s face, his eyes were closed. Anxious started to fill his mind.

He laid him back on bed, he tugged a few strands of Jin’s hair behind his ear, and Jin’s clean face came to his view. He saw Jin’s chest slowly went up and down and he could hear Jin’s breath near his ear, he felt relieved. The time still didn’t come and he really thanked that he still have Jin by his side.

And the fact he still need to face that Jin will leave him, he simply ignored it.

As long as Jin is still breathing, and he needed to be by Jin’s side.
And as long as he love Jin too.

Tonight wasn’t that cruel time to come. But it might be his last chance.


Attempt on making an angst fic.
Comment / critism / opinion / anything are greatly appreciated~

And, NEW HEADER~!!!!! xDDD
Demo, I have another header, Idk which one I should use~ DD;
gtg now~

akame, fanfic;akame

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