I'm still not late, right..
*throws flowers everywhere*
I do not forget about your birthday, no worry... ^^
You are also my favourite too~
Because your.. jokes and your charming smile~~ xDD
And because you are left-handed like me too~~ :D
I admit that I love your expression/answer after Jin said your cooking is yummy~~
*jinno~!!! xDD*
Junno birthday is special because I made a gif banner for him~~
thanks soul-chan~~ *HUGGIES*
Although I'm on my holiday, I forgot that I do have work that I need to get done by... this Tuesday??
Just when I'm enjoying my holiday~~ *get smacked*
Finally I'm on my writing mood back~!!
I shall post it.... somewhere next week, or next next week...
As if there is still people who want to read it, I WONDER...
And it's been a time since I do a meme... :P
Will search for one...
edit : new drama for kame~ Yay~!! :D
but imo, why it always kame who get new drama eh?
plus, there is also tego and... uchi??
seems like he always have new drama in early new year... but it's ok, i still love you kame~~ xD
tho i hope why there is no new drama for jin too~??
it's been like.. almost 2 years?? since yukan right... >.<
*runs to get done her work now*