[Fic] Sparring

Aug 17, 2009 20:55

Title : Sparring
Pairing : RyoDa
Genre : Fluff
Rating : PG and safe~
Thanks to : raixas for approving this.. lol xD
Disclaimer : They own me.. Totally!
Note : Random title... And my attempt to make it fluff...

Ryo heard a click sound when he was changing into his pants and his favourite grey sleeveless shirt.
He smiled as he knew that must be none other than his precious hime.


Quickly, he wore his shirt and went to the living and found no one.
He frowned, weird when usually Ueda will rest on the couch after he came home.

Is someone is breaking into my house?? Ryo couldn’t help to be anxious for a while. Not after he saw hime’s bag was laying on the couch.

“Hime..???” Ryo called for his name a bit louder. He heard a soft thud followed by the sound of water running.

Maybe hime went for a grocery shopping before he comes home…

He walked to the kitchen but still, he felt quite anxious. He felt relieved when he saw Ueda was backfacing him, washing his hand at the sink.

“Ryo..?? I’m sorry, I’m a bit late today…” He said while still on his task.
“It’s ok.. Okaeri hime~” Ryo slowly made his way to Ueda’s direction and embraced the other from behind.
“Tadaima…” Ueda answered back. He felt warm yet comfortable in Ryo’s embrace.
But when Ryo tried to turn him around - to get his kiss - Ueda hurriedly walked to the refrigerator and opened it.
“Ryo, help me put the things on the table inside the cupboard, please..??” Ryo frowned at the sudden action but did the task anyway.

“Is there anything else that I can help my hime now?” Ryo turned around but only to see Ueda was leaving the kitchen and made his way to their bathroom, inside their bedroom.

“Nope.. But if you are so kind to your hime, can you cook for us tonight? I’m so tired today..” Ueda replied, stretching his hand on the air, his back was still facing Ryo.
“Aww~ Only if you give me a night kiss now~” In a second, Ryo was behind Ueda, embracing gently.

He placed light kisses on Ueda’s bare neck. Ueda hummed softly, leaning against Ryo’s chest as he enjoying the moment. He pulled himself back, silently asking Ryo to let him go.

“Not now.. I’m all sweaty and so dirty right now… Let me take my shower, okay? Anyway, I missed your cook~” Ueda looked at him from his right, and Ryo can see half of his mouth smiled seductively.
“It’s not like you are not gonna get it this night anyway~” He winked. And with that, Ueda walked to the bathroom, leaving a worried Ryo.

Something wrong with him?

But, as he remembered the last words from Ueda, he walked back to the kitchen, smiled goofily while cooking for his beloved hime.

Half an hour after that, Ryo already done with his cooking. Simple fried rice for his hime was served on the table. He sat on the living room, waiting for his hime to finish his bath. He thought to wait inside their bedroom, but being a little pervert he was, he decided to not to as he might do something at his hime.

Minutes later, Ueda still wasn’t out from their bedroom and making Ryo frowned. He is taking too long…

“Hime..??” Ryo was inside their room, calling for his hime. He looked at the bed; his hime was covered by the fluffy dark brown blanket.
“Hey.. What’s wrong with you? I knew something had happened to you right? Are you sick?” Ryo sat at the edge of the bed, near with Ueda and was caressing his messy copper hair.
“No… It’s just… My head feel dizzy suddenly-“ Ryo immediately, tugged off the blanket after hearing that. Oh damn it… And Ueda regretted what he had said just now.
“Are you alright? HEY! Your… How the hell it happened?!!” Ueda sighed. He didn’t like this.

Ueda was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and he pouted in a very cute way - in Ryo’s opinion - but it didn’t stop him from glaring at Ueda.
How dare he didn’t want to tell me about this?! Who am I to him?

Ryo had a first aid kit in his hold, he sat near to his hime before opened the kit and took out an ointment cream. He applied a little on his finger before he started to smear it on the bruise.
“Now, who made your face like this?” Ryo looked straightly to Ueda’s orbs. Ueda sighed again before continued,
“I went for my boxing training and a friend of mine wanted to have a sparring with me… So, I agreed and then, this is it…” Ueda pointed at the corner of his lips.
“He accidentally hit me a little bit hard… But, it was my fault though. But! That is common on boxing… Nothing is weird to have an accident like that…” Ueda continued as he realized Ryo’s glare almost penetrating him.

“It is for you but it is not for me. This is totally not okay to have a bruise like this. Your lips swollen too you know? How you supposed to eat after this? And your work too. What are you gonna say to your manager and bandmates with your swollen lips like this?! And what if--“

“STOP!” Ueda groaned as he felt sting at the bruise.

“You are worrying too much! I have a day off tomorrow remember? And this, only takes 2 days or less. If it’s still not okay, Johnny-san had hired the best make-up artist right? They sure can cover it. Plus, I don’t think I have a photoshoot soon.” Ueda huffed.
The bruise made him felt sting and Ryo being concerned at him too much didn’t help at all. He seriously didn’t like it. Making him feels like he was a little girl that needs to be pampered and he hated it.

Plus, he is not a girl, thank you.

“Of course I worried about you! Sorry if you hate it but I can’t help it~! You are my only lover and the person I cared the most! Its pain for me to see you have a bruise like this and you will have a difficult to do your routine right? Not to mention I don’t want your manager or anyone yelling at you for this stupid bruise! How are you gonna to eat or even speak when I see you are tsk-ing like, every seconds even when you are speaking just now..?!” Ryo frowned at his lover and his voice sounded like he was angry although he was concerning about Ueda and his lover knew it. He felt touched by what Ryo said.

“And I can’t even get my kiss like this…” Ryo murmured but still can be heard by Ueda while pouted and made his hime immediately hugged him.
“Aww~ Sorry, honey… I know you care about me, but please… This is Ueda Tatsuya and he can take care of himself, you know your hime right? And who said that you can’t have your kiss?”

In a blink, Ueda pressed his lips on Ryo’s, giving his lover a chaste kiss. Ryo replied it and slowly licked Ueda upper lip, asking for entrance and Ueda happily complied. He almost forgot his pain as Ryo’s ministration was too addicting. He abruptly pulled from the kiss when the pain started to attack him. Shit!

“Sorry…” Ueda had his head down, knowing Ryo must not felt happy.
“No fun…”He heard Ryo muttered under his breath and made him pouted more.
“I’M SORRY! I promise I’ll not do any sparring after this. Not without the headgear, anyway… But, I’m sorry okay?” He looked pleadingly at his lover who chuckled upon seeing the desperate face.
“Okay… I’m joking, hime~ Now, let me feed you because I know you still not have your dinner right? Come~” Ryo and Ueda walked to the kitchen hand in hand.

That night, Ueda was happily being pampered by Ryo, feeding him like a little baby and it was not bad actually. Although he was almost fed up with Ryo reminded him to not boxing too much again and again.


Note / rants :

Sorry for the lameness… (‘¬ ¬)
I think I'm failed...?? orz
And finally I update.. ^^ Although I’m not updating my mchap but I still update..
Yeah.. Damn it! I need to continue my mchap.. ≥≤
And I have a headache like, every morning… orz
Sorry, random rants.

And this one too...

Never fail to make me kya~!!!
Cho cuuuteee~ <3

Please do comment because I ♥♥♥ comment.


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