[Fic] Cupid Notes 5/?

Jun 07, 2009 23:42

Title : Cupid Notes (how Jin use it to get Kame)
Pairing : Akame, Ryoda
Genre : fluff, crack..
Rating : nc-15 to pg-13 back~
Disclaimer : I’m not Johnny of course~!!
Summary : Jin found a Cupid Notes.. So how will he use it??

Okies.. I know I'm damn late at updating my fic.. someone,brick me.. -__-
My last update for this mchap was like... 3 months ago..?? *get shot*
I don't want to say this, but school really torturing me... xP

~Chapter 5~

A week had already passed since that event. All the Johnny’s and even their instructor noticed that Ryo still teased Ueda but, it was more different than before. And Ueda, instead of bashing him back as he used to do before, now he only smiled to the tease and sometimes blushed. None of them know but they knew that Ryoda already made up and they felt happy for them.

Jin smirked smugly as he watched the new couple laughed while chatting with each other.
He was so proud as he thought he was the one who helped them.

They should thank to me because I’m the one who helped them~ Jin whispered to himself.

Hey~ It’s also because of the help of my notebook okay..?? They should thank to me too~ Koike pouted.

But, still.. It was my idea right?? And it wasn’t yours..

Are you trying to say that my idea wasn’t good as yours? Hello~ I’m the CUPID here, remember..??

Says you who made them fought before this.. And though you’re a cupid but you are still an amateur.. Jin smirked and he knew he had won.

But it wasn’t my fault.. They were -- Koike stuck his tongue out when Jin left him without letting him finished his sentences.

Okay.. Let me show you who am I actually~!!  In his mind, he started to plan something on Jin. He smirked and left the place.


Maru and Ueda entered their dressing room while chatting and Jin followed up after them. The KT-T were already inside the room. Jin took a sit beside Kame on the couch, who was reading a magazine.

“Today is raining heavily, ne? Don’t you think so..??” Junno said to Koki who sat near him. He only nodded.

“It so cold~ I wonder when it will stop..” Maru hugged himself.

Then, a loud thunder was heard and causing Jin shocked and shrieked. He unconsciously hugged Kame; tightly. Kame was shocked too and couldn’t say anything. The T-TUN saw it and laughed.

“Oii Jin~ I never know that you’re such a coward..” Koki burst into laugh.

“You’re taking advantages, don’t you??” Maru was jokingly said to him.

“Jin… You hugged me…too tight..” Kame’s voice finally realized Jin and he quickly let off his embrace.

“Gomen…” Jin utterly said. Crimson blush tinted his cheeks. And since fucking when that I’m afraid of thunder…it must be the hormones…

Kame who was embarrassed too only smiled at him and muttered, never mind…

TAK! The lights went off suddenly. Everyone inside the room screamed. A thud was heard at that time.

“What the hell?!” someone yelled.

“I think it’s some short circuit…” somebody answered.

“Maybe it’s because of the thunder…”

“Somebody, activate or just push any buttons of your cell phone! I need some lights!”

A few seconds after that, four different lights from four different cell phones lighted up the room a bit.
Everything seems so dim.

“Now, who’s the one yelling that he needed lights just now?” Ueda said; the lights of his cell phone made his face as if glowing in the darkness. Maru shrugged.

“I don’t know…but it sounded like Kame?”

“It did ne…?” Koki nodded.

The room went silence for a moment.

“It is me…” T-TUN spun their head and torched the light to the voice direction and saw Kame who was lying on the floor with Jin on top of him.






“What the hell are you guys doing there?” Jin spun his head around and although with the dim light, he can see the disbelief look painted on the T-TUN. Oh shit..!! They will think that I…

And at the same time, the light went on back and they could see clearly the position of Jin which made the rapper screamed his lung out.

“Don’t molest my Kame-chan~!!” Koki yelled at that time and walked toward to them but luckily (to Jin) he stumbled on something and felt down; kissing the floor tile. While Jin, hearing the word Kame-chan, suddenly his brain worked too fast, resulting he processed the wrong words.

“Kame is not yours..!! He is mine~!!” He rose up, pulling Kame together. He looked down on the rapper that was still lying on the floor, also trying to get up as well.

“EH???” A unison answer was heard from the boys, including Kame.

“Since when??” Maru asked since Koki still stuttering to ask him.

“Since… since I’m back from LA, ne Kame??” Eh?? That’s not what I want to say..!!

Again, an EHH??!! answer was heard from the T-TUN but this time louder.
While, Kame.. He stood still on his feet; frozen.

“And.. We even already became a couple since we were still a junior..!!” Jin added but that’s not what he wanted to say actually.

“But.. But Kame-chan, you said--“ Koki tried to say something but was interrupted by Jin.

“Hey!! No Kame-chan again from you..!! You say it again and I’ll make sure you will stay bouzo for your entire life..!!” What the hell am I talking?? Quickly, Jin pulled Kame and walked out from the room, his hands firmly gripped Kame’s.


Jin brought him into one of the empty room. After he was sure that no one can find them (as the building has a lot of room) he looked at Kame who was standing behind him; not saying a word.

In all sudden, Jin closed their gap and stopped when Kame’s back facing the wall. Kame frowned at his bandmate. Now he sure that something was wrong about Jin today.

“I’m sorry…” Jin muttered, broke the silent.

“I don’t even know myself why I suddenly had the guts to say --“

“To say that I’m yours and we even became a couple when we were still junior??” Jin nodded. He looked down as he didn’t want to see his crush laughed at him.

Jin was thinking why he acted so weird today. It was not himself to say something like that. But of all sudden, he remembered his cupid friend, Koike. It must be him who caused this..!! You little…

Jin back to reality Kame asked him but no laugh come from his crush. “Why??”

Jin raised his head with a pair of unblinking eyes, quite surprised that Kame didn’t laugh. “Huh?”

“What do you mean.. why??” Kame was looking at his own feet before he looked at Jin and he could see the younger disappointed face.

“I mean.. why you just suddenly say something like that??” Kame couldn’t say what he wanted to ask actually. No way he will ask Jin, why don’t you just admit that I’m really yours??

“Like I said, I don’t know… There was something in my mind told me to do that..” And it was Koike..!! Jin really wanted to tell him that Koike who made all this but he can’t. If not, Kame would think he was crazy.

Hey, Bakanishi..!!! Confess to him now..!! This is your chance~!!

“I… I’m really sorry… I’ll tell our bandmates that I only joked just now.. “ Jin grinned sheepishly at him, tried to cover his feeling.

Hey, not that you baka..!!

And Jin missed Kame’s expression that time.

Can’t you see he was disappointed Jin??!!

“And I’ll do everything for you as long as you forgive me to drag you in this-“ Jin’s word was cut off by Kame.

“Baka~!!! Stay away from me..!!” Kame pushed Jin, hardly, and stormed out from the room.

Jin rose up from the floor.  He looked at the door with his frown face.


What did I do??

Why Kame suddenly acted like that..??

Because you are so stupid to not realize he was so happy when you said that he was yours, you baka..!!

Out of blue, Koike was standing beside Jin which made Jin jolted; shocked from the cupid sudden appearance.

Eh..?? He was happy..?? Was he??

Yup, and you being so stupid said that you’re only joking made him more disappointed.

But, it wasn’t my fault…You are the one who did all this right? Jin tried to backing himself.

Because I want to pay back at you because you said I wasn’t good in this.. Plus, can’t you think that it was your chance just now to confess at him?? I even set you in this room for ….. you know..!! Koike was slightly blushing. Now, he had to think other way to help his friend.

Sorry, but I didn’t realize it, okay~? Jin answered back sarcastically. How he’d know that?? He even didn’t sure if Kame had a feeling on him.

Koike looked at him, pissed off. He left the room, still thinking about Jin and Kame.

Why they just didn’t confess to each other if they really had a feeling to each other..?? This baka couple…

Koike looked up when he heard Ryo’s voice and in seconds, he had a new way to get Jin and Kame together.

By using their best friend…


I actually decided to post it today..
Since tomorrow I'll on my vacation... Not a vacation actually... -__-
5 days vacation and idk how I can survive w/o a good connection.. xP
All my downloaded pic scans are missing and my KAT-TUN pv and its making too~ *cry in corner*

fanfic;ryoda, akame, my..., fanfic;akame

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