Jun 04, 2004 18:10
Fun times today. To start off i FINALLY got to hand in my gosh darn english project. Im sooooooo glad to get that off my chest, and we watched Remember the Titans in careers class. It is SUCH a good movie...i thought 'football movie?..eww'. but its actually pretty damn good, so hats off to that.
Lunchtime was a blast, it was Free Icecream Day at school and we all got free Ice crema sandwiches. Man it was good, I had vanilla, but the ice cream was yellow. I know I shouldn't have ate it... but i did, and it tasted good. Yum. After Ice cream came kareoke... basically the whole school gathered in the cafeteria and we sang old songs. INCLUDING build me up buttercup. Me and Chrissy danced to it. Sure, it looked kinda awkward because Mel wasnt there, never the less...people commented and watched through the windows at me and chrissy dancing and singing, it was quite fun.
Today was the last day of math where we learned something new. At the end of Mr. Culumovics lesson he said 'and thats the course'. I thought I would be happy, but actually im kinda sad. Go figure, maybe its cause now I wont have a class with Justine anymore. Speaking of Justine, me and her are going to the moe-vies tonight to see Shrek 2. I hear its really good... and the cat has quite a resembelence to Justin, dontcha think? Well, maybe its cause the cat looks like his cat, i unno. Anywho...
So, Iwas talking to Darren today before he went to work and he goes "I have 45 bucks". So I responded "awwww, i want 45 bucks". And then i was sad cause i didnt have 45 bucks. So Darren went off to work and I went to sit in my living room when the phone rang, it was Gary (Laurens Dad)..He ask if I still wanted to sell those little stanley cup things for 5 bucks each. I did so and now I have 50 extra dollars. For doing absolutley nothing I got 50 bucks...muhahahahaha. I got ze money.
Last, but not least, I get to play a french persian cat from Paris in drama. Im gonna wear a costume in everything (costume includes a tail, ears, and paws..if I can find them). I get to do this cool french accent and its going to be real fun :-). Alright, I better go....start getting ready for the moe-vies. Laterrrrrrrr
PS: I still really like the layout : ) *is happy*