
May 07, 2004 14:22

Ok now you got me thinking about my kids. My kids are great. They are not perfect and are often frustrating. But they have a livly personallity. They think stuff up that amazes me sometimes. They are always figuring out how to get into everything.
When Drake was about three or four years old he was a real handful. He would just walk up and hit anyone. If they hit him back, he would get something to hit them with and continue this by getting something bigger and bigger until he won. He would sneak out of the house. Break through any lock and climb anything to unlock stuff and get out. We had a 6 foot privacy fence and it had a bolt lock on top of the gate and he would climb up and unlock it. He has climbed the fence and walked across the top. One time the MP's (Military Police) brought him home when he got out and didn't believe he could unlock the doors. He asked Drake to unlock the door and Drake just looked at him. So he didn't think he could do it. But as a last resort he said "thats a pretty dog you have, can you show me your dog. (the dog being out back) and Drake went over and unlocked and opened the door. We kept changing locks and he kept opening them. Would say he just wanted to go for a walk. He calmed down a lot when he started school. I guess being around other kids, but I am afraid he is going back to how he was. Maybe I shouldn't but a lot of the things he and the other boys do I think is cute and can't help but laugh. Not the running off or anything, but some of the stuff they do. Once Drake was mad at Kyle and ran at him to hit him and kyle (who loves the power ranger and imitates them) kicked in front of him and kicked drake in the face. Now kyle is small and drake is about half a head taller and kyle kicked him in the face. Now I was torn over concern for Drake, who got kicked and impressed with the kick that kyle was able to do. you wouldn't think he could get his foot that high. Kyle is the athletic one who loves martial arts and Drake is the Artist, loves pokemon, and doesn't mind being by himself.(Kinda like me, but I don't remember being such a handful, I was a perfect angel) Greg is also athletic but he is also a brain. he is into all sports but also spelling Bees and science and stuff like that. He is the responsible one. Even when he was three he would wake up make a bowl of cereal and watch cartoons until some one wakes up. If Drake or Kyle wakes up, then someone has to be up with then or they will sneak around and get into stuff. Now Drake and Kyle are smart too, they just choose not to use thier smarts for good. Drake last year in school asked to go to the bathrooma and while out of the classroom, walked until he found grown ups and then told them that his teacher needed help its an emergency. ( he was 4 or 5 at the time) So they ran to the classroom and the teacher just looked at them like they were crazy until they told her a boy said she needed help. Then Drake walks in saying " I tricked you" needless to say the school does not appreciate his humor very much. Now I don't like lying and do whatever I can besides killing the boy to try to get it into his head that lying is wrong. But he sees it as joking with people and is not trying to hurt anyone. He sees people play jokes on each other and can't understand that there is a time and place for everything. kyle is So Small and yet he can do just about anything as far as physically. He is good at dribbling the basketball and shooting baskets and he has great balance and motor skills. He is a pretty fast runner and looking at him you would not expect him to do half the stuff he can do. Greg is older so it is not as cute when he does things. he will see drake do something that everyone thought was cute and try to copy Drake and it is not cute because it is something he knows better not to do. Now Greg is 10, Drake is 6 and Kyle is 5. Greg and Kyle are the opposite in build. Greg is huge and wears a size 9 1/2 to 10 mens shoes (at 10) and Kyle is almost 6 but when we are out at the park and some people bring out their 3 year olds they are as big or bigger than Kyle. People are suprised how well he speaks because they think he is much younger than he is. Well I have to go now..

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