Some things in life aren't easy to do, and there are things that I don't want to do.
You taught me that I need to stand up for myself and my friends. Even if I knew I could get hurt or someone else could get hurt. I need to do what I believe is the right thing, even if its tough or I don't want to do it.
You helped me feel, and express my feelings. You have taught and given me so much, and for that I cannot thank you enough.
I can't help but think of what I tell my sister or mother when they're going thorough tough times or when they have to do something they don't want to do: “Push forward... take the experience and what you have learned, and push forward.” Now I have to take my own advice.
I can't go back and I can't change what 'is'; the only way to go is forward.
I cannot explain the pain I feel for hurting you or anyone else.
If you saw the tears rolling down my cheek you might believe how sorry I am.